05.07.2018 05:48 PM

Foolish format, folks


  1. Robert White says:

    Wynne trounced Ford in the first debate.

    Doug looks pompous in debate. Wynne was fast off-the-line, and Horwath was way way way too pink in terms of appearance.


    • SodaClub says:

      Robert, we all could have written that comment for you around 10am this morning.

    • Matt says:

      Most seems to disagree with you.

      City-TV poll during the debate – Horwath, Ford very close second, Wynne very distant third.

      Mainstreet poll after the debate – Ford won going away. Horwath second, Wynne third.

      680 News – Ford won, Horwath second, Wynne a distant third.

      Warren K. – Ford and Horwath did what they needed to do. Wynne did not.

    • Pedant says:


  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Which is right? Doug has a glass ceiling or Andrea has a glass floor?

  3. SodaClub says:

    I guess it’s worked in the past, but I think someone in Wynne’s braintrust needs to tell her to put down the invisible box she’s holding and shaking around when she talks down to us. Your screencap shows it perfectly.

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