05.29.2018 09:30 PM

Justin Ling: still an asshole


  1. Des says:

    Hey Warren. Conservative here but even as a partisan for most ideas I like your thoughts as they give me a good mix of what the other side thinks. They even sometimes bring me down to earth (for lack of a better explanation) on some issues. My twitter feed is a mix of mostly partisans but also some other asinine opinions that help me confirm the way that I feel. I followed this guy and within about a day I had to unfollow the dude. I agree with you. He’s a dope.

    Wasn’t he employed by Vice, HuffPo? The more leftist outlets? (Some of) the same outlets that couldn’t have a Christmas party with alcohol because of fear of sexual harassment against other co-workers? Yeah, SUPER progressive

  2. Sean says:

    Ling showed promise-at first. When I commented on his Twitter feed, he’d acknowledge many of my posts. But then he outgrew the size of his britches.

    • Warren says:

      When he mocked poor Lin Jun, the victim of Luka Magnotta, that was it for me. Have detested him ever since, and the feeling is mutual. He’s a poseur and a sneering little creep. And the Star is kicking his ass on the McArthur story.

      • Sean says:

        I did not know that- thanks. His mocking of a victim who was brutally murdered shows a lack of empathy, respect and poise-three strikes.

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