05.23.2018 06:35 AM

Not the Onion


  1. Dork in EastYork says:

    Beaverton crew working Liberal comms?

  2. Peter says:

    I live in Quebec across the river from Ottawa and I can see her position. There is something about buying beer and wine in corner stores that impels me to guzzle them recklessly and then hit the streets to cause mayhem or punch someone out. When I buy them in grocery stores, I just want to sip slowly in my living room while enjoying a BBC drama or a classic Russian novel. You are lucky to have a premier who takes such good care of us little people.

    • Montréalaise says:

      That is so funny! I live in Montreal and I didn’t even know that you couldn’t buy alcohol in convenience stores – here, every dépanneur sells beer and cheap wine.

  3. Elijah says:

    I live in Quebec as well and being able to buy beer at a local convenience store has created a valuable revenue source for the plethora of mom/pop shop “depanneurs” that are lmost literally on every corner in Montreal communities. In Saskatchewan (where I’m from), everyone hops in their vehicles to DRIVE a sizable distance to an overpriced government liquor board operation or to a private “cold beer/wine” store. Community corner stores are far and few between because they don’t have this additional source of revenue. I’m not sure if I’d vote for Doug if I could, but he’s certainly right on this issue. The government should tax booze/pot/etc. I have no idea why they get involved with being the retailer, as though it takes a high paid public servant to operate a cash register.

  4. Kevin T. says:

    Holy Shit! I’ve been recklessly buying beer at the dépanneur for decades!

  5. Tim Gallagher says:

    “Premier Kathleen Wynne will make her first campaign stop in Sudbury May 23 to make an announcement at Cross Cut Distillery on Kelly Lake Rd.”

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    This is what happens when you let someone else do your thinking for you. (She should have spoken to Pauline.)

    Next Wynne, cabinet, Liberal MPPs and assorted members of the strategic braintrust will be filing affidavits on how they never, ever, bought a single bottle/can of beer in another jurisdiction’s corner stores…

  7. Sam says:

    Other than Quebec, which I am not very familiar with, I’d say all of our alcohol laws are antiquated relics, even here in AB, where privatization helped but still a long ways to go. There is no good or practical reason why you shouldn’t be able to buy beer and wine with your milk and eggs, period.

    The laws where it can be consumed are the most antiquated, sheer stupidity. I can’t even (legally) take a cold one to enjoy while out paddling my canoe – how stupid is that?

  8. Liam Young says:

    For the record, I really hope the big blue clown makes zero progress in Ontario, but I am exhausted with this patronizing attitude about alcohol sales.
    Join the 20th century.
    The process of tiny allocations of licences raises a LOT of suspicions about objectivity. There’s no equality to the current structure, so it’s time to move forward.

    • Peter says:

      It’s a good example of the patronizing attitudes of many progressive “beautiful people” . They’ll bristle if anyone tries to interfere with their right to down a bottle of Chardonnay in an outdoor café on a summer afternoon or enjoy a mimosa-laden Sunday brunch, but Joe twelve-pack needs careful control and surveillance lest his antisocial base impulses spill over. I remember a few years back when the mayor of New York campaigned to ban over-sized cups for soft drinks and other sugary concoctions to attack the obesity plague. There was a picture of the mayor with his “Health Advisory Committee”, which consisted of a half dozen anorexic-looking Park Avenue matrons with serious countenances and expensive designer outfits. No doubt they all believed they were “giving back” to the community. I remember thinking how sweet it would be if some rabble rousing politician from Harlem announced that he too was worried about obesity, but that alcohol was also a big problem and so he was prepared to support the mayor if His Honour would back his proposal to restrict the sale of wine to half-bottles.

  9. Sam says:

    Odd coincidence that in my travels, in countries that had relaxed liquor laws I always saw less public drunkenness & boorish behaviour than I do in our own nation where laws are strict.

    I remember dining in a Copenhagen restaurant & having a beer while my SO had a glass of wine. After our meal was done we took our unfinished drinks outside and sat on a street bench & watched couples of all ages dancing to small street band. Patrons from neighboring cafe’s had done the same thing. I noticed that employees from the various restaurants were periodically gathering the empty wine and beer glasses/bottles and returning some to each cafe. Apparently they all used the same kind and just returned them in even numbers to all the cafe’s.

    It was such a refreshing scene and put into perspective our own antiquated approach here.

    This was in 1983 too, BTW.

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