06.21.2018 09:42 AM

That new TIME cover: wow


  1. David Ray says:

    that cover will not register with the Trump base.
    why? glad you asked.
    from a Times reporter last night.
    “A Trump supporter in Duluth, one of many waiting in a long line outside tonight’s rally location, just told me she has compassion for separated families but ultimately believes that the detainment center photos and videos are fake and photoshopped.”
    This is now where America is at.

    • The Doctor says:

      Trump supporters have an excuse or rationalization for every piece of information that they find inconvenient. That’s been apparent for some time now.

      • Fred from BC says:

        Yes, but in this case they were correct…and worse yet, Time magazine has probably just created even more Trump supporters by doing this.

        Time has already responded to the growing backlash by claiming something like: “well, maybe *this* little girl wasn’t separated from her parents, but others were…so…whatever…”.

        That is NOT THE POINT. And they know it. I hate to have to keep repeating this (especially to people who should already know better) but you just can’t get away with this kind of crap anymore; in the age of ‘social media’, it’s impossible. So why do they keep trying? Are they that far out of touch that they can’t see how things have changed?

        • doconnor says:

          How does Trump get away with it so much?

          • Fred from BC says:

            How exactly does he “get away with it” when CNN, the NYT, WaPo, NBC and every other left-leaning news organization jumps on every little thing he says and screams “LIAR!!” as loud as they can? For DAYS and DAYS at a time?

            Problem is, they also do the same when he is *not* lying…as in the example above. We expect Trump to be Trump. We don’t expect Time and Newsweek to be the National Enquirer.

            (CNN is a now lost cause, frankly. They will never get back the trust they have lost…)

  2. Lou says:

    Thats because it is faje. Off all the photos available, the pick one that wasnt actually seperated from her mother. When will the media learn to use fact instead of emotion. This is time, not People. Here come the fake news stories as Time just helped Trump out.

    • Ted H says:

      It is true as a representation of Trumps AmeriKa . What children are not afraid of the archetypal “ugly American”. My grand daughter forced herself off the board a her first diving class by imagining Trump was on the other end. This came from her, no one told her to use that image as motivation. The man is a disgrace.

  3. Matt says:

    The photo of the crying little girl has, according to her father been misrepresented.

    She was at no point seperated from her mother and are detained together.

    Not suggesting the detention is right or wrong, just that the spin by some that she was taken from her mom now appears to be wrong.

  4. Fred from BC says:

    Yeah, this really is disgusting…disgustingly FAKE.

    As a CNN panel has confirmed, this 2-year-old Honduran child was NOT SEPARATED from her mother. A mother who had already been deported once and was arrested a second time for illegally entering the United States, which is a *felony*. She was also not fleeing any kind of persecution, as her husband (whom she left behind with her three other children) is a Honduran port Captain.

    Time magazine should be ashamed. I’m old enough to remember when they were actually a reputable and respected publication (anyone else?)…now they’re being accused of spreading ‘fake news’ by CNN, of all people?

    (CNN, who, along with the New York Times and Washington Post, still represent the three worst offenders)

    So funny that it’s almost sad. Trump Derangement Syndrome takes another victim.

    • doconnor says:

      Trump apologists will latch on the the tinyest error or poetic license to discredit an entire story.

      Are you saying a Trump administration change in policy hasn’t triggered the separation of thousands of children from thier parents?

      • Fred from BC says:

        No, I’m saying “two wrongs don’t make a right”.

        • doconnor says:

          There aren’t two wrongs.

          Time using a picture of a child who wasn’t separated from her parents to represent the thousand that where is wrong.

          Seperating thousands of children from thier parents is a horrifying product of the administration’s dehumanizing of migrants.

          • Fred from BC says:

            1) Time using a picture of a child who wasn’t separated from her parents to represent the thousand that where is wrong.

            2) Seperating thousands of children from thier parents is a horrifying product of the administration’s dehumanizing of migrants.

            I count two. You?

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