Musings —07.07.2018 07:06 PM
—The threats have been pretty swell, too
Half of them are trolls who think the sun shines out of Trudeau’s ass, and who think it’s therefore okay to slime my wife for what her husband thinks. So, there’s that.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) July 8, 2018
It boggles my mind how unprincipled some folks are. Either integrity is important or it’s not. Either the rule of law is important or it’s not. Either character is important or it’s not. I’ve always stood in awe of those who embrace such lofty principles regardless of race, gender, creed, orientation or party of affiliation. At the end of the day, these lofty values are the glue which hold us together. To the unprincipled cement heads, Trudeau asswipes, I offer this-go fuck yourself.