, 11.23.2018 01:21 AM

KINSELLACAST 41: why Trudeau and Ford hate (and need) each other – and the Daisy team on lotsa politics!


  1. Doug Brown says:

    How about Rachel Notley as the new federal NDP leader? She has the media presence and leadership skills but may be toxic to the radical eco wing of the party.

  2. Wayne McDonald III says:

    Colder to colder instead of shoulder to shoulder. Perception versus reality. Trump’s minion said “there was a special place in Hell for Justin Trudeau.” And yet, expect a photo-op in December.

    Any serious politician knows the game, there is not hatred here. Federal and provincial governments are conflict. That’s how the system was set up. Yo!

    Jagmeet Singh can probably turn it around: he’s a lawyer so probably capable of debating Trudeau and Sheer. Jagmeet needs to find his inner Bernie Sanders, capture media attention by pushing for innovative ideas. Galvanize the dipper base.

  3. Wayne McDonald III says:

    Also, do you really think the polling right now is a good indicator of the Liberal Party of Ontario’s prospects?

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