Musings —11.05.2018 12:03 PM
—Kudos to Doug Ford for taking decisive action – fast
Unlike another certain first minister who lives in Ottawa and is Prime Minister of Canada and who has been accused of wrongdoing himself, Doug Ford isn’t tolerating improper conduct by senior ministers and staff. When he found about #MeToo-type allegations, he took immediate action. (Meanwhile, Kent Hehr is still in the Liberal caucus – and was allowed last week to run for Trudeau again.)
Kudos to Doug – and to Global, for ferreting out the (big) story.
Global News has learned from multiple sources that two senior members of Premier Doug Ford’s inner circle were forced to resign Friday due to allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior.
Jim Wilson resigned from his position as Minister of Economic Development and Trade, as well as PC caucus after he was confronted with the allegations.
The allegations, involving sexual misconduct, were made by a male Queen’s Park staffer and the Premier’s office became aware of the claim late Friday afternoon.
Global News also learned from multiple sources that Andrew Kimber, Ford’s Executive Director of Issues Management and Legislative Affairs, resigned Friday after being confronted about multiple sexually inappropriate text messages he allegedly sent to a female staffer at Queen’s Park.
Since covering up Wilson’s indiscretions with the “addictions” tag is a slap to those who are actually seeking treament, I can’t really agree with you that Ford is to be congratulated.
He does have addiction issues.
Last I heard was he is seeking treatment for alcoholism.
Glad the other shoe dropped and the rest of the story is out. “Resigning” from cabinet over addiction issues made sense. Leaving the PC caucus entirely over addiction issues didn’t.
Using the “addiction” tag is what Trudeau and the media did with the cabinet minister he had to disassociate himself with for sexual misconduct. The truth about the minister’s indiscretions did not leak for months.
As much as I abhor much of the socially conservative rhetoric and policies, I commend the PC/PCP and the NDP for being leaders applying zero tolerance in the handling of abuse and harassment allegations by women in Canadian politics. As a woman who has been harassed by a politician, let me say this–no one would put herself through all that it takes to report harassment. The process is soul sucking and often we are still facing harassment while reporting it.
Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. Consequences should deter future would-be perpetrators from engaging in despicable behaviour.
So, yeah, can’t believe I am saying it, but good work Doug.
The LPC should take note :/
“Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. ”
It stands for policy written by cowards who are incapable of independent thought.
(hey, we should use it in the justice system…then we could get rid of most of those expensive judges and prosecutors, right?)
The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario is prototypically misogynist at their core and Feudal Lord Ford stands atop of their collective social psychopathology as their chosen leader. Moreover, this is not anywhere near their first instance of evidence that they are behind-the-times as the most social regressive political party in the historiography of provincial politics in Ontario.
It is a Godsend that Feudal Lord Ford lives with five women!