02.25.2019 09:28 PM

Behind door one, death. Behind door two, more death.


  1. Art says:

    I am a troll and I want spam. I am a fucking lunatic. Send me spam at Art29@yahoo.com.

  2. Art says:

    Hey, if you want to be reviled by 90% of Liberals in this country, knock yourself out.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      Typically, those who deliberately take action that costs our party power are those who are usually reviled by Liberal grassroots. Last time I checked, our host wasn’t part of the prime ministerial wrecking crew. There goes those crucial Ontario seats…

  3. Sean says:

    By any measure, Trudeau has a narcissistic personality disorder. Before the term narcissism was adopted by clinicians, this personality was known as Megalomania. With this in mind it’s conceivable that Trudeau has such confidence in himself that he believes he can out think and out maneuver JWR. We shall see.

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