02.21.2019 12:51 PM

#LavScam smear update: now they’re saying JWR isn’t a real lawyer


  1. BMarcille says:

    warren, I can’t find the claim anywhere. May I ask you it was posted? It just seems so bizarre of a claim.

  2. Grant says:

    So Warren….whadda you think personally? Is Trudeau gonna skate on this mess?

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    I can only speak of my understanding of solicitor-client privilege here in Quebec. We are not allowed to share client confidences with other lawyers in the same firm, nor with outside lawyers or anyone else. In this jurisdiction, SCP remains in effect even after retirement, legal sanctions such as being disbarred or voluntarily giving up of Barreau membership.

  4. Dawn Mills says:

    When I have a coffee in our company (a big bank on Bay St) canteen you hear lots of chatter and banter, but zero talk of SNC except as an investment. No one cares. Is this all just inside Ottawa talk? It would be a shame if true, but average folks don’t care. They only get mad when woken up by an Amber Alert…

  5. whyshouldIsellyourwheat says:

    What if former Minister Wilson-Raybould arrives at committee next week and tells them that her counsel (former SCJ Cromwell) has advised her that solicitor-client privilege is not relevant or does not exist in this case, because as the Attorney General, she was the person with authority, the decider, on the matter at hand, and thus, there is no client, since in the matter at hand, she was not acting as or in the position of a lawyer advising a client. And then starts talking.

    Was her advocacy that their might be solicitor-client privilege just a mechanism to get to an official forum to speak, and for strategic advantage over the PMO?

    There might be privilege, so I can’t speak. But now I understand there is no applicable privilege, so I can speak.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      I wouldn’t go there. IMHO, unless privilege is explicitly waived in writing by PMO, it would be quite a risk to take.

      I don’t expect that JWR will say anything in public, or even in private, without that.

      What about a reference to the Ontario Court of Appeal re: The Ontario Barristers Act?

  6. JamesHalifax says:

    Maybe it’s just me….but NOT BEING A LAWYER is probably one of the best indication that one is not a sleazeball. (there are exceptions of course)

    After all, no one is worth $1000 bucks an hour unless they are removing a tumour from your brain. (Or a certain type of entertainment found most often in Vegas)

    But again….not much of a difference there really.

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