03.05.2019 04:27 PM

#LavScam sorry not sorry


  1. the real Sean says:

    because they honestly don’t know… they are floating balloons to see what everyone else thinks.

  2. Kinsey says:

    Guaranteed, any such “statement of contrition” will be as botched and patently false as Trudeau’s public “reflections” after the reports of his groping / assault of B.C. reporter Rose Knight in 2000 resurfaced in the media over a year ago. Remember how Trudeau refused to genuinely accept any responsibility for that incident and instead tried to turn it into a holier-than-thou “teachable moment” where he could lecture people on consent and sexual ethics? Nobody bought his sanctimonious crap then, and few will fall for his attempt at being contrite now.

    Speaking of Trudeau’s groping incident, are Liberal caucus members really blind to the prospect that another groping / assault allegation will likely surface in the coming months, dooming their chances of holding on to their own seats.

  3. Mike Jeffries says:

    Anybody watch Freeland’s bit? No sure she has a clue what a “friend” is. Not sure her “friend” Jane would consider Ms. Freeland her friend for not standing for principles with her like Jane did for her friend Jody! No class Christie.
    How many times did she use the word “feminist”? Too many. So what the hell is a feminist? Someone, like JT or like herself who is clueless about what a friend is or what principles are?

  4. Billsy says:

    And when he apologizes- just watch the big crocodile tears roll down his face –

  5. Gord Tulk says:

    If they really want to show some stones they should let SNC lavalin be prosecuted.

    But they will NEVER do that.

  6. Sean says:

    Only a hardcore myopic Trudeautard embraces anything he says. Canadians are “woke” to his disingenuousness, and look past his oratory fig leaf. Facts speak louder than words especially his words. He might as well piss into the wind for all the good it will do him.

  7. Fiona Lang says:

    If they were clever say nothing until G Butts testimony shows whether they are just more people under the bus. I think the Mea Culpa moment is past! They will stick to “she interpreted the interaction differently” just like Kokanee Gate.

  8. Lance says:

    How can an apology be contrite if you find it necessary to even debate whether it should even be given or not? Why even bother, then?

    There is not an ounce of genuiness in his whole body.

  9. Vancouverois says:

    What’s the saying? “Sincerity is key – once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”

    As somebody (I believe it was Andrew Coyne) noted, they’re treating this like a game. They seem to think that if only they can come up with the right moves, that will give them a cheat code to get out of it.

  10. Kinsey says:

    If Trudeau is serious about expressing remorse, then he must reinstate Jody Wilson-Reyboukd as Minister is Justice and Attorney General and return Jane Philpott to Treasury Board.

  11. Charles says:

    No coordination between Trudeau’s strategists and Butt”. LOL.
    Until yesterday, it was almost certain that Butt would do everything to discredit JWR. With the new Liberal strategy, expect him to adopt a conciliatory tone tomorrow, opening the way to his former boss ‘s apologies and crocodile tears in the coming days.”
    With the Media spin op-eds, expect this saga to die in a couple of weeks. “Back to Trump”.

  12. Charles says:

    Until yesterday, it was almost certain that Butt would do everything to discredit JWR. With the new Liberal strategy, expect him to adopt a conciliatory tone tomorrow, opening the way to his former boss ‘s apologies and crocodile tears in the coming days.”
    With the Media spin op-eds, expect this saga to die in a couple of weeks. “Back to Trump”.

  13. whyshouldIsellyourwheat says:

    Trudeau and Telford apparently “own” a former Supreme Court justice. A former Supreme Court justice is apparently willing to help politically interfere in a criminal trial. This apparently is the Canada we live in.


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