Feature, Musings —03.20.2019 09:43 AM
—The Committee to Re-Elect the Prime Minister: how to intimidate MPs, and how to get a newspaper to go along
THREAD. A member of the Team Trudeau campaign secretly follows around two former cabinet ministers on budget day, and takes photos of them when they meet with others. Without consent, without approval. And then he gives the photos to a reporter friendly with Team Trudeau.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 20, 2019
Despicable, disgusting and alarming!!!!
Actually creepy and scary.
Have we become Socialist State,where we are all watched, monitored and scrutinized simply because we might disagree with our Governments flaws.
Once a government is allowed to spy on its citizens and this behaviour becomes accepted and commonplace, as Canadians whats next, democracy evaporates???
Same paper that had Daniel Dale creeping at Rob Fords home. HOME.
If you follow Daniel Dale you’ll notice how often he tweets out Rob Ford’s detailed apology for falsely accusing him of that
Clearly a number of theses folks are psychologically disturbed, perhaps not in the sense of psychosis but certainly within the realm of some form of antisocial personality disorder.
.. not sure where to file this ‘story’ .. seems to fit the ‘boomerang file’ best, but nestles well into the ‘stupid burger’ & the ‘nothing burger’ file. A student of both photography & mischief knows a photo ‘shows’ clues about the shooter, not just what or whom is in the shot.
A student of media a la McLuhan knows to weigh the ‘message’ of an actual photo as well as any accompanying note or text
As an expert level student of all three schools, I see only a mediocre grab shot that includes Ms Wilson-Reybould. If you asked me who shot it or why, my best guess might be some fellow who felt intrigued somehow to be in the same room as a noteworthy political person. Hence the ‘nothing burger’ file.
But oh no.. I have seen the same photo elsewhere with the scandal level captioning. Dark motives ! A cabal of powerful women.. A council of war (huh? What war? Who’s war?) Deary me, they might be having a glass of water or shots of Russian vodka! I can’t wait for the mysterious newspaper to breathlessly publish the pic plus anonymous insider or diner thought waves of the photog (who neglects to claim credit.. when it seems certain a Pulitzer award is in the offing)
The sky did not.. & will not fall. There shalt be no Pulitzer. No law was broken. Where is the scandal ? Where is the sizzle ? Where is the photograph for that matter ? I don’t see no photograph ? I saw it elsewhere with a breathless caption..
Lou. That was a false claim that Rob Ford officially retracted and apologized for. Daniel Dale has a letter to prove it.
Hi Warren. Based on what we’ve seen lately, the acronym for Trudeau’s re-election strategy shouldn’t be the Nixonesque “CREEP (M)”, as your post title suggests.
Rather, this strategy can best be summarized as “Gather Radiant OP-Eds En Masse” or “GROPE ‘EM”, for short.