03.01.2019 05:18 PM

The latest “Shitty Liberal Attack On Jody Wilson-Raybould That Dramatically Backfires” is here!

My Lord, this government is witless.


  1. On Reflection 1 says:

    So let’s just cut to the chase – forget all else! What were the reasons the Director of Public Prosecutions did not choose to proceed with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with SNC-Lavalin? This is the real information “inquiring minds” are looking for! Or as I suspect will her decision remain shrouded in mystery for millennia – or at least until someone in her office leaks it. Gotta love Canadian politics!!! And when will the collective we realize it’s all just a s**t sandwich with all the lawyers on one side, all the politicians on the other with us in the middle!

    • J.H. says:

      Reflect on this.
      World Bank ban – corruption Bangladesh
      Bribery in Libya & at $1.3-billion McGill Health Center,
      $2.3 M kickback to Michel Fournier Chretien ex C of S, on $123 M bridge contract
      Smuggling of Qaddafi family to Mexico.
      Thousands of $ illegally to LPC
      And this;
      SNC – DPA, Patricia Hughes
      Founding Executive Director, Law Commission of Ontario (2007-2015);

      “if the organization is alleged to have committed an offence under section 3 or 4 of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, the prosecutor must not consider the national economic interest, the potential effect on relations with a state other than Canada or the identity of the organization or individual involved.” This would apply in the SNC-Lavalin case.”
      Re jobs in Quebec etc. DPP Roussel not allowed to consider that.
      See corruption of foreign public officials i.e. World Bank ban – Bangladesh, Bribery in Libya.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:

      On Reflection 1,

      I doubt there is any precedent where the DPP has done so in the past, but I could be wrong. It would surprise me if Roussel released anything.

  2. Max says:

    Apparently you need to reflect some more, notwithstanding your moniker. Do require more evidence shoveled onto the steaming, hulking pile of smelly poo and that is known, and undisputed about SNC Lavalin? And you would have plugged your nose and proceeded with a DPA? No, its not about “lawyers and politicians”. Its about corruption and the Rule of Law. You best do a little more “reflecting” before you submit that Op-Ed.

    • On Relection 1 says:

      Without flaming Max I would suggest he read my comment again. The point I was making was that according to the legislation it’s the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kathleen Roussel, who in concert with her staff make the decision as to offer a Deferred Prosecution Agreement to an offending company. JWR was simply (as her duty as the Attorney General is spelled out in the legislation) reviewing the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions which she obviously must have agreed with. I assume that both made their respective decisions based on the information available to them which would have been much more than that which is available to us. So these non-disclosed tidbits are what “inquiring minds” would like to learn about. Finally, if I was so inclined I would also address your points about corruption and the Rule of Law but I gave up many years ago caring about the lives and thoughts of politicians, lawyers and blowhards. Or to paraphrase something that I think Warren would agree with “it’s all about the 5!” Of course I’m talking here about the MC5 who lit the greatest flame to my consciousness and conscience.

  3. Max says:

    ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. That about sums up who and what JWR is, eh Warren? Come to think of it, Trump and Trudeau have a lot in common. Who knew? Both lie. Both treat woman badly. Both bully. Both have henchmen to do their dirty work. Both make promises they have no intention of keeping. Both perpetuate “fake news” (aka ‘friendly Op-Eds’ in Canada) Both will do whatever it takes for VOTES and get Re-elected. Sad. And here comes Butts. Circling back to go nuclear. Trudeau is all in now. The same guy who professes to have done nothing wrong inexplicably quit his job so as not to be a distraction to the vital work of his best bud Justin, has a change of heart. Whereas he slipped out of dodge without facing the media nor volunteering to appear before the Commission/Committee, with full benefit of JWR going first, now has found his “perspective and opinion and facts”. Bring it on Gerry. For now it truly is about votes and elections. And Papineau. And the Assembly of First Nations is watching.

    • Sherry says:

      You are so right, I have been saying this from the beginning! While at the complete opposite ends of the political spectrum Trump and Trudeau are using the same tactics. Both are spoiled rich kids not used to being told “no” Both have tantrums when they don’t get their own way, neither are very bright. I only hope with the next elections North America finds its way out of this mess.

    • Housevader says:

      if you dig deeper you will see there is a tension in big house between following guidelines laid out by matriarchy and the need to acquire new resources which violate those guidelines.

  4. Sean says:

    These guys might as well piss into the wind for all the good it will do them. No one believes them because they’ve lost credibility and trust with the public. Defeating them in the next election isn’t enough. If the RCMP determines there’s sufficient evidence to lay charges then we want the fu_ _ _ers put on trial and conceivably locked up.

  5. John Matheson says:

    I was not surprised when I heard that Morneau’s Chief of Staff Ben Chin was ramping up the pressure on @Puglaas. Chin is a British-style political staffer, which implies antiquated management and negotiating techniques. Now that Butts is gone, Chin could be behind much of which is coming out of Ottawa now. The Liberal Party of Canada would do well to exile Chin to some diplomatic posting in a place which is at the antipodes of Canada.

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