Musings —03.07.2019 02:41 PM
—The #LavScam questions Trudeau wouldn’t answer
Me on Your Morning on CTV. I look super old. Too many 5 a.m. wake-ups to do #LavScam commentary!
Musings —03.07.2019 02:41 PM
—Me on Your Morning on CTV. I look super old. Too many 5 a.m. wake-ups to do #LavScam commentary!
I have a question of my own. SNC-Lavalin filed an Application for judicial review of the DPP’s decision not to seek a DPA before the Federal Court of Appeal (Court file number T-1843-18). So why did the PMO not wait and let the Court decide the matter? Or did they know – or suspect – that the Court would rule against SNC and hold that the DPP had strong legal reasons not to offer the company a DPA?
The decision has just come down – Federal Court Justice has ruled against SNC-Lavalin on the ground that prosecutorial discretion is not to be overturned by the court unless it is abused, which it was not. I guess that answers my question. Now let’s see what the new Justice Minister, David Lametti, does.
Or if he’s reasonably sentient, doesn’t do.
I don’t mean to patronize you, but you are a hot ticket right now-quoted by all kinds of pundits and folks like me who know that team Trudeau is a threat to the integrity of our judicial system.
We have to give the framers of our constitution credit for realizing that from time to time our governments may be run by dorks. To protect us from total disaster , they gave us some sense of countermeasures. It’s these measures which the current government wish to diminish, IMO. This is our fight Mr. Kinsella and we’re up for the challenge.
“you are a hot ticket right now-quoted by all kinds of pundits and folks like me”
Just for a laugh, go check out Montreal Simon’s blog to see how the other side are spinning this. Oh, it’s hilarious, sure…but it’s also disturbing in a way to see just how far certain people will stretch and distort the truth when they see one of their heroes fall.
I can’t recall the name of the woman who was spinning for the Liberals on CBC today, Susanna Marchand was doing the questioning. But Jesus. This woman was using the basic Donald Trump White House defence: i.e., Canadians don’t really care about corruption, this is a big nothingburger, Canadians really care about the economy, the economy is doing great, so let’s all just forget about this.
It could have been Kellyanne Conway or any other Trump apologist. That’s how low the Liberals are willing to go on this.
Amanda something?
She was on Power & Politics last night; not her finest hour IMHO. However the law professor on the panel from UBC eviscerated Mr. Butts testimony. It was a devastating critique.
Yes, the UBC Professor I believe was Mary Ellen Turpel Lafond. In another extended interview she also completely shredded Butts, in a very intellectually forceful and convincing way.
Here’s the thing: the Liberals’ strategy in this regard is to count on Canadians being stupid. Once again, it’s a strategy right out of the Trump Administration playbook. Just think about that for a second.
As you probably don’t realize, the playbook is The War Room by Warren Kinsella.
Get a Handle on the Scandal!
She would do well to watch her recent performances. Similar to the talent in the PMO.
Amanda Alvaro. Check out her Twitter feed if you want to see some more surreal spin.
This is so good, needs to be seen by everyone.
That was good!
Judge Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond is pretty wise. And indigenous!
I wouldn’t say you look old, Warren.
Rather, I would say you are aging into a distinguished gentleman like your father. The father-son resemblance is very present in this photo.