06.25.2019 02:28 PM

Trudeau troll trapped

Great work, Blacklock’s. This bastard has gone after my family, and other families too.

Welcome to your new life, “Zod.” Not much of a big thinker, anymore.

An anonymous Twitter user so profane he was blocked by MPs is a federal employee. The Public Sector Values And Ethics Code prohibits staff from outside activities that “cast doubt on your ability to perform your duties in a completely objective manner”.

“I’m dealing with someone that I don’t even know really exists; that’s my concern,” said New Democrat MP Charlie Angus (Timmins-James Bay, Ont.), who blocked the Twitter account. “You’re going to make ignorant, ugly statements and you’re hiding your name? How is that part of political discourse?”

“I think Twitter has just become such a negative force,” said Angus. “I think if we know who people are, well, they might think twice and you have a more robust discussion, as opposed to a toxic discussion.”

Using the pseudonym Neil Before Zod – “It sounds better than Neil from the corner cubicle in accounting,” he wrote – the staffer posted 20 to 40 messages daily including vulgar attacks on MPs and senators. Zod last night acknowledged his real name, Neil Waytowich of Peterborough, Ont., after Blacklock’s confirmed his identity.

Waytowich declined multiple interview requests and refused to name his federal employer, claiming he had abruptly resigned from the public service. “Phoenix means we aren’t being paid at all,” he wrote in a previous tweet, referring to the Phoenix Pay System for federal employees. “But please, pile on, you typical civil servant-flogging conservative shill.”

Waytowich in numerous tweets to some 12,000 followers referred to legislators and other public figures as “urinal cake”, “syphilis”, “assholes”, “f—king idiots”, a “marzipan dildo”, “talentless shills”, “shitty”, “garbage”, “sewage”, “stupid”, “dumb”, “lazy”, pathetic”, “ignorant”, “dense” and other references.


  1. Rick says:

    wow – a simple google search and his phone number shows up. he is in for a world of trouble now.

  2. Hugh says:

    If only the CBC were to take such action against the trolls swarming (spamming) their comment sections.
    You can pretty much see when the PMO talking points are released.

    • Derek Pearce says:

      It’s not just the CBC (and yes I know this is whataboutism). But honestly the comments on the CBC are mild compared to the crazy shit you see at the National Post, any SUN site, or even Global.

      Anyhoo I’m glad this POS was exposed. It deeply disappoints me to see those on “the left” behave like this because there are SO many other constructive things they could be putting their energy into instead of vicious trolling.

  3. Andrew Jurgen Kaut says:

    Marzipan dildo?

    Ah, the poetic Tweet.

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