07.23.2019 01:21 PM

Survey said!

Things are going really well, I see.


  1. JSA says:

    Nonetheless, I still think Butts return is best for all of us. So far we’ve been lucky: Justin’s blunders have all been domestic. If he were left on his own for long enough, there’s no telling what kind of shit he could get Canada into. He might even be dumb enough to start a war.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      Come on. Get real.

      • JSA says:

        Okay, the odds of Trudeau actually starting a war are pretty much zero. He does, however, appear to be more than capable of saying the most dangerously stupid things… I’m all for anything that might help him keep his big trap shut.

  2. Vancouverois says:

    Trick question. None of these issues never really left,much though the Liberal Party may have wished them to. They merely slept. The opposition parties were always going to bring them up during the election.

    Now that Butts is back, however, they’ll probably resonate even more strongly than they would have otherwise.

    • Vancouverois,

      Agreed. A far more sophisticated group of strategists would have seen Butt’s return impact a lot earlier than on election day…

      But as they say, whatever floats the PMO and party’s boat.

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