Musings —08.16.2019 03:50 PM
—#LavScam latest: RCMP has been investigating alleged Trudeau crimes for months
#Breaking Former Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould tells @TheWestBlock that she has been contacted by the RCMP over the SNC-Lavalin affair and had discussions with the police. @Puglaas says the RCMP reached out to her in the Spring #cdnpoli #SNCLavalin @globalnews
— Mercedes Stephenson (@MercedesGlobal) August 16, 2019
I have a bottle of 23 year old single malt that I may decide to open if Trudeau faces criminal charges for his actions.
Ongoing since the spring, eh?
Better break out them smelling salts for election night.
Awkward? Because JT brushed off bland Scheer and went scurrying away? Run Justin run. Scheer said what many Canadians are thinking: the PM is lying to Canadians. The PM is covering up the truth, and has prevented nine witnesses from co-operating with the Ethics Commissioner. This is not good: our PM, investigated by the RCMP. And please do not reference, in any way, Stephen Harper. Because this is about the here and now. Not way back then. JT: doing politics differently? How about doing politics, worse!
I hope and pray that as many fellow Liberals as possible sit this one out. They really and truly deserve nothing more from the membership and supporters. I expected one hell of a lot better from cabinet than we got but caucus was absolutely true to form: it isn’t worth two shits on its best day.
Pretty straightforward boys and girls. Justin “accepts the report and takes full responsibility”. What he is messaging is “I’m the PM and it’s my job to make sure it won’t happen again. In the future.” How very noble and honorable.
His other message is “I disagree with the findings…”. What Justin is messaging is, “I did nothing wrong with those things in the report that infer I did.”
See what he’s trying to do here?
So, if he said he “didn’t direct his staff to pressure JWR”, how soon will he be firing Jerry ‘BFF’ Butts? Ben Chin? Katie Telford? Let’s get after it Justin! Start here by showing your rogue staff will be held accountable!
Oh, and for all the Trudeau LAVscam sympathizers, MP sychophants and complicit media who kept demanding and asking JWR and Philpot to break cabinet confidentiality and spill the beans, given that no less than 9 people on Trudeau’s side and in his circle REFUSED to provide information to the Ethics Commissioner, will they now speak and share as so many demanded JWR and Jane P do?
Not in a month of Sundays.
Pretty straightforward boys and girls. Justin “accepts the report and takes full responsibility”. What he is messaging is “I’m the PM and it’s my job to make sure it won’t happen again. In the future.” How very noble and honorable.
His other message is “I disagree with the findings…”. What Justin is messaging is, “I did nothing wrong with those things in the report that infer I did.”
See what he’s trying to do here?
So, if he said he “didn’t direct his staff to pressure JWR”, how soon will he be firing Jerry ‘BFF’ Butts? Ben Chin? Katie Telford? Let’s get after it Justin! Start here by showing your rogue staff will be held accountable!
Oh, and for all the Trudeau LAVscam sympathizers, MP sychophants and complicit media who kept demanding and asking JWR and Philpot to break cabinet confidentiality and spill the beans, given that no less than 9 people on Trudeau’s side and in his circle REFUSED to provide information to the Ethics Commissioner, will they now speak and share as so many demanded JWR and Jane P do?
Lastly, how soon can we Canadians expect our country’s Chief Apologist actually apologize. No need to go back decades and centuries to apologize for an injustice that occurred before you were born Justin, how’s about mixing it up and trying to say sorry and summon those tears for something more recent? C’mon sport!
“I disagree with the findings…”.
I wonder how many found guilty agree with the judges rulings.?