Musings —09.05.2019 07:54 PM
—JWR is winning!
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) September 6, 2019
Musings —09.05.2019 07:54 PM
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) September 6, 2019
Given the time zone difference it would be very appropriate for PM Zoolander to concede the National Election and announce his imminent resignation just moments before JWR makes her victory speech.
Hope it holds. The other opposition parties are dolts for running candidates. Once JWR decided to run as an independent, they should have all sat this one out. But they stupidly prefer to divide the anti-Trudeau vote…
So FEW real brain strategists in so many opposition parties. Thank God PMO strategists aren’t any brighter. (Broadhurst excepted.) Sigh.
“Hope it holds. The other opposition parties are dolts for running candidates. ”
I feel the same, Ronald. But maybe they did the next best thing, because I don’t recognize even one of those other candidates. Sacrificial lambs, perhaps?
Possibly, but even SLs take votes away from JWR. Not the right strategy to keep the Liberal vote down.
I wonder if JT will dare show his face in Vancouver-Granville? Would be great theatre, if the PM and JW-R crossed paths that day.
JWR is the epitome of class, so no scene expected there.
I wouldn’t expect to see a scene, either.
I would, however, like to see the discomfort on the face of our PM, as he forces a smile while in the company of his former Minister of Justice.
Please, let it happen.
If he really thinks he did nothing wrong in this entire affair, one would think he would remain completely confident and comfortable under such a scenario. But we all know that in his own mind, he already knows he blew both SNC and Norman. However, he’s a very fine actor so time will tell.
” However, he’s a very fine actor so time will tell.”
He did teach drama, didn’t he?
This has to be driving Sheila Copps crazy & perhaps Kim Campbell too. Men do it as well of course, but there’s nothing nastier than washed up, failed women, hating on those of superior abilities and class. Psychologists say it stems from the haters feelings of inadequacy. I’d buy that on the part of Copps and Campbell in relation to JWR.
I’ve noticed that the two I mention, washed up, failed and missing attention to their little nothing lives, are seeking the spotlight by attacking those who are more successful. One (Copps) via racism, the other Campbell by wishing horror and destruction on totally innocent people in the path of a killer hurricane.
If you only knew.
Cheers, J.H.
I actually hope that (a) JWR and JP win, and (b) they remain independent.
I think this country needs a decade or so with numerous independent MPs, of all political stripes. The party system has devolved into a ridiculous circus of trained lapdogs, who just repeat the party’s talking points and add zero value of their own. We need a system where MPs can express their own opinions and advocate for causes they care about.
Given the way the Canadian parliamentary system is structure, perhaps an “Independent Party” should be created? It would enjoy all of the enshrined perks of an official party, but it wouldn’t actually have any specific platform. Each candidate would have their own platform. Thoughts?
We already increasingly have that in the Senate but I hear that the powers that be aren’t exactly thrilled.
Independent MP can be elected – but please never call it an “Independent Party”. That would destroy the meaning of the word independent.
The same thing happened with Senators – the labeling of certain Senators as “Independent” has made a mockery of the term and the entire Senate.
Campbell was never *elected* as PM (like PM BoJo in Britain). However, her real “sin” is, as PM, taking a 153 seat majority PC government down to a derisive 2 seats in the 1993 election. And, FWIW, neither of those seats were hers.
I think it fair to say that the PCs were not expected to win the 1993 election. But 2 seats? That takes a certain skill.
How much was her and how much her inherited radioactive baggage?
Not to mention the Tory-Reform vote splitting, which was massive. We’ll never know whether anyone could have done significantly better facing that hurricane-force headwind.
Party affiliation is very low in Vancouver-Granville and in Vancouver generally. Partly owing to the fact that so many people in Vancouver were not born there, partly owing to the fact that the Reform Party experiment in the 90s blew up a lot of old allegiances and created some odd new ones (e.g., old Tories migrating to the provincial BC Liberal Party to break bread with Martinite federal Liberals).
Plus JWR was a notably popular MP in her riding even before SNC hit the fan. I’ve seen her around on city streets just having a coffee or whatever and she gets a lot love. The Tory vote probably won’t be a serious factor. The last Tory to get elected in the City of Vancouver was Kim Campbell in 1988. That’s 31 years ago if you’re counting. One of the things that really bugs me about today’s CPC is the fact that they don’t seem to give a shit that casting a vote for them in Vancouver is an utter waste of time.
“How much was her and how much her inherited radioactive baggage?”
That’s true, but Steve was touting her as Canada’s first female Prime Minister, and she held that title in name only.
” partly owing to the fact that the Reform Party experiment in the 90s blew up a lot of old allegiances and created some odd new ones (e.g., old Tories migrating to the provincial BC Liberal Party to break bread with Martinite federal Liberals).”
Yup…and let’s not forget the old Social Credit Party. As you no doubt already know, one of the reasons the Conservatives have never done well here is because the BC Liberal Party was founded by the remnants of the Socreds. Least liberal Liberals in the country, I think…which is why I didn’t mind voting for them a couple of times.