10.16.2019 07:58 AM

News in tweets: Tory, Ford and unidentified baby win

Not news: Trudeau’s attacks on Ford have been a lot of hot air, and Preston Manning is a conservative.



  1. Ontario John says:

    But, but….Doug Ford is evil! Only Blackface Groper can save us!

  2. Max says:

    Pretty soon he’ll just be “The Member from Papineau”. And the knives will be out. As will Jerry and Katie.

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    To be clear for your readers outside TO, the Libs are actually supporting Toronto city council in whatever decision it made, which was to maintain the status quo re ownership and operation of subway lines (ie not uploaded to the province) in a new deal. Since the City has agreed to go with Ford’s version of the DRL* (now longer by a several km and called the Ontario Line) in return for maintaining this control, the Libs are technically agreeing to fund Ford’s redesign of the project. You are technically correct but this doesn’t bode well for future cooperation on other Ont/Fed issues.

    *Downtown Relief Line, which is actually to help people in the inner suburbs travel faster/better


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