10.31.2019 03:24 PM

On humbled post-election Trudeau

In my ongoing quest to be New and Improved Warren™, I note, approvingly, that Justin Trudeau has kind of disappeared in recent days.  No costumes, no sock modelling, no social media excess.  He’s just gone quiet. Poof.

It’s good.  Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something, etc.  He’s doing that. Kudos.


  1. Douglas W says:

    Lying low the best path for JT. Suspect there’ll be a snap election in the Spring. Conservatives will be in disarray. NDP, uncertain about Jagmeet. And the economy, sliding.

    • Chris says:

      Too many 2015-class Liberal MPs are just 20 months or so from the richest pay-day of their entire lives (ie. their pension). Plus the NDP are flat broke, living off the mortgage on their Ottawa HQ building. There will be no election soon.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    Trudeau is still Trudeau. That can turn really good or bad. I know which way I think it’ll go.

  3. lyn says:

    Rehashing what went wrong with Katie and Butts! Licking his wounds or discussing what they can do to the West next! It is nice not to see his lying face again, so refreshing. So enjoy the “Poof” for now I know I will.

  4. Don Johnson says:

    Well, that and the media are now seemingly obsessed with telling Sheer what to do. Helpful sorts.

  5. Harry Belafonte says:

    Maybe victory parties with Joly are keeping him busy.

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