Feature, Musings —11.18.2019 10:23 PM
—Met some guy from Texas. Nice guy.
And, in case you were wondering, in conversation he was smart, perceptive and very funny. (Very.)
This picture was taken backstage at the OREA event (more pix here and here and here).
We talked, for just a minute, about Kennebunkport, and about how I’ve been going there for years with my kids and family and friends. He said he plans to start spending more time there himself.
Listening to him, I was reminded of what my former boss Jean Chretien told us, when we wondered about the White House reaction to our decision to not participate in the invasion of Iraq.
“He’s a very nice guy,” said the Canadian Prime Minister. “He’s always been a very nice guy.”

Caption contest!
” W-can you see my lips moving, I hate this camera stuff”…..
“Which one should now be counting his fingers…?”
“Hey y’all – I loved this fella’ in Ghostbusters…”
Had the pleasure once of seeing him live – while from afar. Saw him interacting with people and they seemed genuinely charmed – not in a creepy way IMHO – afterwards. We’re ALL human – even those we vehemently disagree with. What will it take for many of us to understand that again? ANY of these guys who become POTUS aren’t in the dead middle of the normal curve of cognitive abilities. But most of US are.
Caption: …left to right… w. meets W.
Let’s track down Hillary and all get a steak!
To quote Mr. Jagger, “Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.”
My vote for favourite caption. See also Yves Jacques as the Devil in Denys Arcand’s Jesus of Montreal. Good double bill with Journeys with George by Alexander Pelosi and Aaron Lubarsky for further context.
My vote for favourite caption. See also Yves Jacques as the Devil in Denys Arcand’s Jesus of Montreal. Good double bill with Journeys with George by Alexander Pelosi and Aaron Lubarsky for further context. People tell me Claus von Bulow was a laugh riot as well. Just riffin…
“Tra ta smile war room, am crushing yor hand but tra ta smile for the nice folks up in Cainada”
I basically agree with what Bill Maher said this past week about Bush Jr.: He’s wasn’t my idea of a good President, but he’s leagues above Trump. Maher noted that Bush Jr. said to Obama, upon Obama’s election victory, “I want you to succeed”. That’s while Trump was pushing a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that Obama is a secret Muslim infiltrator with a fake birth certificate.
Maher also pointed out that Bush refused to pardon Scooter Libby when Cheney was aggressively pushing Bush to do so. I wasn’t previously aware of that, and that speaks very well of Bush.
Poor Cheney, must have been the let-down of the century to find out that he really wasn’t President…