, 12.20.2019 08:32 AM

Happy holidays from Daisy Group (and Joey)!

…and Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Season’s Greetings, Habari Gani and Al-Salaamu Aleikum!


  1. lyn says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS…Warren and all the best in 2020!
    What a lovely Christmas card…Joey is special you got yourself one beautiful and smart looking dog there.
    I did that to my dog one year he looked so cute but I think he thought it was a dumb idea by the look on his face!!! Pets are priceless and they sure put up with a lot of sh*t from their owners!! If they could only speak!

  2. All the best to you and yours Warren as well. Cheers bud!

  3. PJH says:

    Here’s hoping your Annus Horribilis of 2019 is replaced with joy, peace, and well-being in 2020 and beyond. Best wishes to you and your family, Mr. Kinsella(Joey included)!…..

  4. Steve T says:

    And to you as well, sir. I know it’s been a very difficult year for you, so I’m sure you are looking forward to renewal and rejuvenation in 2020. We are all sending positive thoughts your way!

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