12.18.2019 08:55 PM


The moment he was.


  1. Robert White says:

    Oh happy day!


  2. lyn says:

    Warren the Senate decides and you and I know this will not happen. Trump did nothing and you and I know you can not convict someone with Hearsay!!

    • That’s why the second change of obstructing congress for refusing to allow the people with first hand knowledge to testify.

      • The Doctor says:

        Exactly. The guy refuses to provide any documents and orders all of his minions not to testify, despite being given ample opportunity to do so. Then he complains about lack of first-hand testimony and evidence.

        But of course nothing stops the Trump Excuse Machine from chugging along . . .

        • Doc,

          Cognitive dissonance at its best: it’s one thing to claim Executive Privilege and defend that in the courts (and more than likely lose). It’s quite another to cry about not being heard when you yourself know that if witnesses had been compelled that the Trump Ship would be as done as dinner.

        • Mark D says:

          It is not the Trump Excuse Machine. That would suggest Trump feels shame or believes he did something wrong.

          What we are dealing with here is far more insidious to democracy. It is the Trump Alternative Narrative Machine.

          As in Trump creates an alternative narrative in which he is the perpetual Washington outsider taking on the Deep State.

          • Trump is unable to conceive that he is in the wrong, and his perception of reality is distorted to achieve this.

          • The Doctor says:

            Re: your final paragraph, I’m watching that recent documentary on Roy Cohn, Trump’s mentor (“Where’s My Roy Cohn?”). And that was the way Cohn liked to portray himself as well. No surprise there, I guess. A nice rationalization for sociopathy.

        • Fred from BC says:

          “The guy refuses to provide any documents and orders all of his minions not to testify, despite being given ample opportunity to do so. Then he complains about lack of first-hand testimony and evidence. ”



          how bizarre it is that House Democrats, in demanding that McConnell subpoena Bolton and Mulvaney, are insisting that he do something which they had the same power to do and which logically should have been done during the fact-gathering stage of the process, i.e. the House inquiry. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler each prepared reports in excess of 400 pages making the case that Trump is guilty without even attempting to hear from the people with the most material evidence on that point. Imagine if your local D.A. indicted someone for murder, knew for a fact that there was an eyewitness to the killing who could establish whether the defendant was guilty or not, but chose not to speak to that person at any stage of the investigation because … he was in a hurry. “We’ll call him at trial.” It’s mind-bending. If Pelosi thought a fair process required hearing from Bolton and Mulvaney, she should have interviewed them. Too late now.


          The Democrats are going to gain as much from this as they did from the embarrassing “Russian Collusion” narrative.

          • Ronald O'Dowd says:


            Though I’m happier than a pig in shit to see Trump impeached (even if it’s a complete waste of time), I agree with you about subpoenaing witnesses and holding them in contempt of Congress if they failed to appear. But foolishly, Democrats chose not to do that in favour of a pre-Christmas wrap up timetable. How stupid could they be? Far better to extend the shit out of the House process and fight Executive Privilege in the courts, where no doubt they would have won. That’s how you bring the country to your side, not by trying to download those same witnesses on the Senate — when everyone knows there isn’t a prayer that McConnell will do that. He wants zero witnesses, even if Trump wants witnesses that Trump OKs.

          • Mike says:

            Ya, they are so stupid. Should have hired you two geniuses to tell how to do things.

          • Ronald O'Dowd says:


            I don’t need, or want to be hired by anyone. (Smiling.)

          • Mike says:

            Gotta love a guy who smiles in the face of an insult. Nice!

          • Mike,

            Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  3. Mike says:

    Trump has been impeached. Whether he is convicted in the Senate is a different story. Doesn’t deter from the fact that he is impeached.

    • The Doctor says:

      Yes, he is now officially disgraced President Trump. Has a nice ring to it.

    • Fred from BC says:

      Yes, and like Bill said above, that impeachment is utterly meaningless…unless it directly leads to his re-election, of course. Is your gloating worth another term of President Donald J. Trump?

      • The Doctor says:

        Fred, whether or not Americans are stupid and sick enough to re-elect Trump is their problem and up to them. Trying to draw some clear cause-and-effect line from Impeachment to the re-election of Trump is a mug’s game. Are you suggesting that a surefire way of ensuring Trump’s electoral defeat in 2020 would have been to not impeach him? That’s nuts. The 2020 election will be what it will be.

        I support impeachment because it was the right thing to do morally, ethically and legally. It sends the right message. I don’t really give a flying fuck about the political consequences. Sometimes you should just do the right thing, period.

        Besides which, this whole line of argument that impeachment is and will be some enormous political boon to Trump is highly questionable. Sure, lots of Americans don’t like it. But lots of other Americans love it. I agree that most Americans would rather move on now, or at least sooner rather than later. And ask yourself this: this summer and fall on the campaign trail, who’s more likely to be ranting and raving about impeachment on the campaign trail, long after most Americans have moved on and would rather be focusing on other things? Trump or his opponent? My money’s on Trump.

        • Nicole says:

          He’s already getting out of control. Attacking John Dingell just lost him Michigan. It was only 10,000 votes and the state went blue for governor, but attacking a dead man who was admired by both sides in that state is ignorant and people are getting tired of his childish and abhorrent behaviour. And those jobs he promised never happened. Instead companies like GM closed plants.

          And Pelosi not submitting the articles to the Senate over the holidays is a genius move. He is going to dwell on this non stop. It’s what he does because it’s not like he actually does any work. There will be more crazy and disturbing behaviour because he’s not fit for office but no one has the decency to apply the 25th amendment. Pence could pass the same policies without the deranged and indecent behaviour. It’s a disgrace that Americans let this happen.

        • Fred from BC says:

          ” Are you suggesting that a surefire way of ensuring Trump’s electoral defeat in 2020 would have been to not impeach him? ”

          No, I’m saying that adding this “impeachment” (which the majority of registered voters were clear about *not wanting*) on top of the booming American economy and 50 year low unemployment numbers could very well reelect him.

          “That’s nuts. ”

          Yes…good thing I didn’t say that, then.

          “I don’t really give a flying fuck about the political consequences. Sometimes you should just do the right thing, period.”

          I’ll requote you if Trump wins a second term, okay?

          “And ask yourself this: this summer and fall on the campaign trail, who’s more likely to be ranting and raving about impeachment on the campaign trail, long after most Americans have moved on ”

          It would make a great Republican campaign ad:

          “Out of touch Democrats don’t care about public opinion!”

        • lyn says:

          Doctor: You really do hate Trump to bad!! He will get elected in 2020. An the Impeachment is bogus! Democrats just running off at the mouth!!

        • “which the majority of registered voters were clear about ‘not wanting'”

          At this hour 538 has 47.6% support for impeachment, 46.1% against. I’m sure you can find a less favorable poll and then reduce it down to registered voters to get the result you want.


        • The Doctor says:

          lyn: it appears that you may be posting from St. Petersburg, so just for your benefit, in North America the expression is “too bad”, not “to bad”.

      • Fred from BC says:

        “I’m sure you can find a less favorable poll and then reduce it down to registered voters to get the result you want.”

        You mean, do the opposite of what you just did, Darwin? You couldn’t find a less biased source than (admitted Democrat supporter) Nate Silver? I guess you just didn’t look very hard, huh?

        Next you’ll be searching for another left-wing source to claim that Donald Trump’s popularity isn’t the highest it’s ever been.

        Stop letting this man make a fool of you.

        • They weren’t calling him a Democrat when he gave Trump a 29% chance of winning.

          You can’t call him biased until you have go over all thier articles and podcasts discussing thier methodology and identify the flaws that cause a bias against Trump.

  4. Douglas W says:

    What are the swing voters thinking, as this all plays out?
    This 10-14% voting block will decide the next presidential election.

  5. No American president has ever been convicted at trial, in the Senate. That says it all.

    • Fred from BC says:

      ..and no American president is officially impeached until the Articles of Impeachment are delivered to the Senate, according to the US Constitution. So, while the House has indeed voted TO impeach Donald Trump, he won’t actually BE impeached until that final step is taken.

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        Pelosi is incredibly wrong to delay the Articles. It violates due process and leaves the impression of trying to blackmail the Senate to have the trial on the House’s terms. Beyond stupid.

        Next fall will be an economic referendum on Trump: no recession by then = likely Trump re-election; bad economy then and Trump will be as done as dinner. See Jimmy Carter.

        Of course, if Trump blows it, cracks up, becomes seriously cognitively impaired or drops dead, the Democrats win.

        • Fred from BC says:

          “It violates due process and leaves the impression of trying to blackmail the Senate to have the trial on the House’s terms.Beyond stupid. ”

          That’s for sure. I can’t believe how many people have been fooled into thinking it’s a brilliant strategic move. It’s not….it’s just desperation.

          “Next fall will be an economic referendum on Trump: no recession by then = likely Trump re-election; bad economy then and Trump will be as done as dinner. See Jimmy Carter.”

          That’s the bottom line, for sure. I don’t know who first figured it out, but the classic old line about voters not changing governments when the economy is sound is just as true today as it always has been.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    For those of you counting on a recession to win politically, remember that it only happens in spades when The Fed does its usual job of destroying the American economy. Powell has cut rates and backed off from his previous tightening cycle. As soon as he returns to successive, without interruption tightening, then down will the American and international economies go and hello to the Mother of All Recessions.

    • Mike says:

      You will be about as right on Trump as you were with Trudeau.

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        Try to pay attention: it’s called a minority, Yeah, a huge Trudeau strategic win! For sure. Too funny.

        I hope Justin doesn’t forget to thank his outstanding caucus for that brilliant political exploit. LOL.

        At least the PM is counting on Freeland to save the party’s political ass next time. Definitely better than him running again as leader…

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