12.05.2019 06:00 PM

Throne Speech tweets

I’ll be on Charles Adler’s national radio show tonight, discussing more about the Speech from the Throne – and maybe some of this, too.


  1. The Speech from the Throne is just a speech. Not worth calling an election over on it’s own.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    What I like about Scheer is his absolute predictability: not satisfied with blowing the election war, he’s now doing his damndest to lose the post-vote peace. The guy makes Trudeau look good, and that’s saying something.

  3. the real Sean says:

    1. Nothing announced today provides an explanation as to why JT and his tiny band of desperate cult leaders have been permitted to continue on as a fake PMO on paper for the past 12 months.

    2. Apparently JT is now relying on Separatists to keep his government afloat after decisively losing the popular vote. This is where JT has brought the Liberal Party.

  4. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    Guess which party propped up Harper by supporting the 2007-2008 budget? Eh voilà.

  5. Mike Jeffries says:

    Federalism is dead. The sooner the West realizes it, the better. Ontario+Quebec = Canada, as reflected in parliament. That is what Canada is: upper and lower Canada governed by the Laurentians!
    The Libs know it. But the Tories haven’t figured that out. And their leader is stuck in the past.

  6. Martin says:

    I just read that Chantal Hebert actually bought JT’s line about throwing away his prepared remarks in QP the day after the speech. Seriously? Is she that far in the tank for him?

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