Musings —01.24.2020 09:31 AM
—Coronavirus and Canada: nothing to see here, move along
China has 35 million people quarantined while Canada’s Minister of Health says that the #coronarovirus is not a risk to Canadians. Who should be believed? #cdnpoli via @NYTimes
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) January 24, 2020
I am safe. I don’t drink Corona…I prefer scotch.
The flu is more deadly for Pete’s sake. Western media love trashing China. Meanwhile our infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba’s. Really.
What works really well in the Mortality Race is only report half of what happens.
And forget half of that.
Who should be believed? Nobody.
Belief, faith, trust are all fatally flawed bronze age concepts requiring the suspension of logic, No place for any of this in the modern world.
We have learned nothing from the lessons of the 2003 SARS outbreak….they told us it wasn’t transmissible from human to human initially in 2003, it was. They told us it only affected those directly in contact with patients(family and friends, and healthcare workers)- it didn’t. Patient zero for Toronto was a woman who booked in at the Metropole Hotel in Hong Kong and was infected by a Chinese doctor treating suspected pneumonia patients, culminating in 438 confirmed cases of SARS and 44 deaths, mainly in Southern Ontario.
They told us it only killed the infirm and the elderly-it didn’t
Is anyone else seeing history repeating itself?
The very moment the coronavirus began showing itself in China is the moment Health Canada should have initiated screening for illness at all Canadian International airports. A hassle?…yes, expensive?, yes…..but anyone who remembers being downtown Toronto in Feb 2003, remembers restaurants, bars and clubs completely devoid of people. I was, and I do. The SARS crisis singlehandedly killed the Toronto tourist trade for the year, to the point where the Rolling Stones organized a concert to help the city out. Now I suspect we wont reach that level this go round, but nothing says that the coronavirus cant mutate to become even more easily transmissible, or even more virulent. An ounce o’ prevention is worth a pound o’ cure. So endeth my rant.
It’s baaaaaack!….though I would have put money on Vancouver having the first case, though the majority of Chinese in Vancouver still have their origins in Guangdong(Canton) province… May this case be the only one, and that all front line personnel dealing with this global epidemic keep healthy, safe and sound.
This virus is actually from a Bio-Lab in Canada. thanks Canada (Look it up)
You mean this one?……
I saw on the Rebel news media 1,000 Chinese unloaded at Pearson Airport TO coming through security being only ASKED, if they had a cough or temp then proceeded through arrivals with their luggage in tow. So if the Health Minister isn’t going to do anything more I wish everyone in TO the best stay healthy!
Seems we may have to switch to “Plan B”……
Why is it I get the feeling I’ll be like Tim the Enchanter…
I was hoping it wouldnt ever come to this……I hope when this nightmare is over, the gov’t does a post mortem to see what they did right, and what they did wrong…for as God made little green apples, this is going to happen again…and we should be more prepared for it……Mother Nature is a harsh mistress….