, 03.25.2020 08:43 PM

When Trump lies, someone dies

‪Two things.

One, every president is popular at the start of a crisis – even Carter was when Iran hostage crisis started. Then it gets bad.

Two, it will get very bad for Trump. The weeks he wasted with bullshit – which will result in Americans actually dying – will be what defeats him. ‬

In these dark days, if someone with power is lying, it means someone without power is dying.

Trump won’t be defeated by Joe Biden. He will be defeated by his own lies.


  1. the real Sean says:

    Completely appropriate. Precisely what is called for. The only surprise is that DT didn’t rate himself a 12 out of 10.

  2. Douglas W says:

    The President’s support will nosedive, once the virus starts to claim substantial lives and economic chaos ensues in the “Red” States.

  3. Pipes says:

    Although I agree with Warren the Jedi Master, the POS Trump is as resilient as the Antichrist. He’s a pox. WK is right, Biden can’t beat him and only Trump can beat Trump.

    Just sayin………..

  4. Wes W says:

    I don’t think so. His support is going to stay the same or climb. Most of his support comes from people who think the media lies about everything, the democrats lie about everything, this af is no different. Cherry picked quotes frames to look worse than it is. Out of context. I think this ad actually helps more than it hurts.

    • Derek Pearce says:

      Out of context? Excuse me?

    • Fred from BC says:

      “Most of his support comes from people who think the media lies about everything, the democrats lie about everything, ”

      That’s not just his supporters now…it’s the majority of Americans.

      The latest Gallup poll that lists approval/disapproval of various people and groups over their handling of the Coronavirus, lists the relative popularities of Donald Trump, a couple of other politicians, medical professionals, first responders, teachers, child care workers, retailers, etc, etc. Then, right at the very bottom of the list: the news media. There must be a reason.

  5. It depends on how many people ultimately die.

    As for the bill: 500 billion dollars for businesses and other orders of government; 367 billion for small-business to retain workers; 130 billion for hospitals; 1200 dollars per adult and 500 per child; four months of UI. The politically shrewd part is the small-business employee retention fund.

  6. Peter says:

    I don’t think Trump is likely to defeat Trump. I think he will be defeated when the Dem candidate convinces independents and waverers ( who, let’s remember, are not terribly enamoured of the Dems), that he will improve their lives and the general health of the body politic. Didn’t Warren report recently that when he was canvassing in Maine, the message he got was that voters wanted to hear what the Dems would do, not just a litany of Trump’s sins and outrages? Much as it will delight the faithful, I have a hard time seeing how this ad would persuade anyone on the fence. Surely “People die when Trump acts” is not a vote picker-upper.

    • Fred from BC says:

      “the message he got was that voters wanted to hear what the Dems would do, not just a litany of Trump’s sins and outrages? ”

      Yup. I’ve been saying that for years, as have you and a few others here. So have many, many political experts, journalists and commentators from both sides of the aisle…but for some reason, the message doesn’t seem to be getting through to the Democrats themselves (or many of their supporters, it seems). Weirdness.

  7. Chris Sigvaldason says:

    Peter McKay can take solace in the fact that he is not the most tone-deaf politician in the English-speaking world. Barely.

    “Is it?” Lol.

    • Chris,

      The problem for MacKay is that context and perspective are critical. And that can be quite deliberately distorted for political purposes by failing to notice the obvious, that these two words are open to multiple interpretations in any number of contexts. In politics, they invariably shoot first and ask questions later.

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