04.17.2020 12:39 PM

‪My Mom’s latest. What do you guys think?‬


  1. Maureen says:

    Beautiful. Where is that peaceful pkace?

  2. Very nice! Your Mom has so much talent.

  3. Pipes says:

    I love it! Thanks for sharing it. Fabulous.

  4. Fred from BC says:

    In one word: serenity.

  5. the real Sean says:

    Very cool. I like how the light hits the leaves.

    • Fred from BC says:

      “Very cool. I like how the light hits the leaves.”

      Me too…and I almost expect a deer to come sauntering out between the two buildings every time I look at it.

  6. Robert White says:

    Cool, man.

    10pts, Mom!

    Cheers, Robert

  7. PJH says:

    ‘Tis lovely….

  8. Max says:

    Coulda swore that was a Tom Thomson.

  9. Dave says:

    Its as good as the A. Y. Jackson we have in storage in the museum.

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