Musings —04.01.2020 01:00 AM
—April Fool’s
There is nothing I can write, this year, that can seem more shocking than the reality that we all now live.
I’ll do the traditional April Fool’s next year, if I’m still around. In the meantime, be careful and be safe.
Any idea on what Maude Barlow tweeted (and since deleted) in the last twenty-four hours that has so many people upset?
I tried my best to do something relevant and funny today.
On my Facebook page, I advised that Costco had just announced it was reviewing all its records, and anyone who bought more than two large packs of toilet paper in the past month was going to have their membership cancelled, and permanently blocked. I noted that Costco would exempt any hoarder who could show they donated their excess TP to a local hospital or charity.
Hey, if it actually made a hoarder nervous, then it served a dual purpose!
Shared Experience – everything sucks!