04.08.2020 07:40 AM

My ideology


  1. Peter says:

    A good thing too. Ideology is a bit like iodine. We can’t live without it, but too much will kill us.

  2. Ron Benn says:

    The biggest difference between the Liberal and Conservative parties is the colour of their signs.

  3. Ideological purity inevitably leads to only one of two things: loss of power (read Harper) or failure to form government (read Bernier). IMHO, Scheer lost because he couldn’t adequately separate, in a reassuring way, his personal beliefs from his potential political position. Not quite the same thing.

    • joe long says:

      Scheer didn’t know how to play in the political arena as evidenced by the poor separation of personal beliefs from those he was advocating for the party.

      His advisors didn’t prepare him for the questions the Liberals were going to ask. Scheer should have practiced his responses many many times.

    • Max says:

      I actually think Scheer, unlike Trudeau, was quite clear on stating the line between his personal beliefs vrs that of his party. And he repeated over and over that he would NOT introduce policies and legislation, if elected, that were contrary to party policy. Yellow, Gotcha journalism was in fashion. Yes, Scheer always seemed unprepared to respond, came off as evasive and less-than-believable. (Meanwhile Goodale was doing his best ‘Where’s Waldo’, with ample groundcover by CBC and The Star, et al). But we seem to want it both ways – “skip the spin, be honest, be human – if flawed… and then (the ROYAL) “we” demean and belittle those who do/are. My views are totally opposite of Scheer’s – I’m a fan of SSM and 100% access to abortion (women and doctor; none of our business). But he had the double whammy of being too honest AND unpolished. CPC War Room gets a ‘Big Fail’.

      • Fred from BC says:

        “And he repeated over and over that he would NOT introduce policies and legislation, if elected, that were contrary to party policy.”

        He did, but his delivery was weak (as you said).

        I wanted him to get annoyed at the constant repetition of the same questions. I wanted him to show that they were pissing him off. I wanted him refuse to answer the same question over and over, or to eject a reporter from a news conference…something…ANYTHING…

        Instead, he just politely stood there and *took it*, time after time.

        It’s all well and good to want to be a nice guy, but sometimes there comes a point where you are forced to show that you have a spine. No, you don’t go ballistic and start yelling and swearing or anything like that, but at least stand your ground and fight back, dammit.

  4. Chris Sigvaldason says:

    The Trudeau Liberals have been more ideological than any government, of any stripe, since the father’s first term in 1968-1972.

  5. Richard says:

    My younger self might have disagreed, but you speak the truth, sir.

  6. the real Sean says:

    Very true. Elections are now only about sentiment and nothing about choice. People run for office these days and don’t even bother to find out if their promises are even remotely possible.

  7. That’s why they always end up doing what the last lobbiest who talked to them said.

  8. Julian Brown says:

    *when not authoritarians

  9. PK says:

    My ideology is that everybody lies. They fact arrange around their own sphere because it’s a human habit, too comfort themselves – and the despot is always the most fragile, and the lies they tell are to shield them from all the stuff that hurts their feelings.

  10. Derek Pearce says:

    Harper’s first majority term was pretty ideological too.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      Harper was an enigma in the two minorities: publicly stating that he would govern like a majority while cleverly stick-handling to a third term in office. Only then, with a majority, did he absolutely blow it with voters.

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