04.04.2020 09:20 AM

My prediction? That coronavirus would defeat Trump

That’s still my prediction.


  1. RKJ says:

    I hope you are correct. My, perhaps unreasonable, fear is Trump and his cohorts will seek to delay or cancel this fall’s elections. With a stacked Supreme Court, anything could happen. Trump claimed this week elections will go as scheduled. We all know the value of his word.

    • Michael says:

      Trump can not delay the election using his emergency power. The president does not have that power. Legal scholars are widely in agreement on this point, as are both Republican and Democratic election officials. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service reached the same conclusion when it investigated the question in the aftermath of 9/11.

      Under the U.S. Constitution, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence cannot stay in office past their four-year terms without being reelected. Their term ends on January 20, 2021, they can not stay in office beyond that date if they are not re-elected. (ie there is no election)

      If the election does not happen for any reason, constitutional rules of succession kick in. That could mean a lawmaker down the line of succession who is not up for reelection could be the new president

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Cancelling is definitely off the table as it would come off, even to Republicans, as authoritarianism. Now delay, with a credible COVID-19 justification is possible. But it would have to be rock-solid-evidence-based in order to work and also the object of a wide bipartisan consensus.

  3. Douglas W says:

    These key states went Red in 2016: Michigan (16 Electoral College Votes), Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), Florida (29) and Ohio (18).

    Come November, should Trump lose 37 Electoral College Votes or more from his 2016 total of 306, then he’s done.

    I think he’s done.

  4. William Morrison says:

    I’d be sorry if he were defeated by a plague. It would be better if he were defeated because he is a disgusting person and a terrible president. If the country doesn’t realize that, then…well, I don’t know what to say.

  5. A. Voter says:

    Yes Trump is a moron. But look at Sweden and Denmark, the socialist ideals. Sweden never went into social lock down, and Denmark is starting to lift restrictions and hopes to get back to normal-by Easter.

  6. jsa says:

    indeed, the win goes to the left…

  7. Walt says:

    Or, it’s possible that voters will see how bad the Democratic candidate is, and how biased the media is against Trump – and return him with a larger share of the vote.

    After all, since Trumps reassuring words on the economy, DOW Jones is up 29%.

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