06.26.2020 11:03 AM

Ottawa’s response was not viral

This is one of the most important reports of the coronavirus pandemic. And it makes clear that Ottawa fumbled, and made things worse.

Read: “Canada’s lost months: When COVID-19′s first wave hit, governments and health officials were scattered and slow to act”


  1. Don Martin must have read this a short while back.

  2. the real Sean says:

    Canada’s Fiscal Update is being written by Magical Credit in close consultation with Harold the Jewelery Buyer and Russell Olliver. OHHHH YEAAHHHH!

  3. joe long says:

    Question: was Justin Trudeau too busy with trying to secure a UN Security Council seat to properly focus on a pandemic? Or did team Trudeau just obediently follow WHO recommendations to avoid rocking the UN boat, and thus jeopardize their chances at getting a Security Council seat?

    • Walter says:

      Maybe Trudeau was just trying to figure out how to seize power.
      After all, controlling the pandemic was the last thing he cared about.

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        A tad over the top, unless thy name is Trump, that is. I wouldn’t put it past him, especially now that he’s seen the polls and is now clearly in meltdown phase.

  4. Fordlover says:

    It is a great article, Warren. Thanks.

    Most of it contrasts BC’s excellent response with Ontario’s Keystone Kops routine, and blames the Doug Ford cuts to public health just prior to the pandemic.

    Do you think Ford has learned his lesson, or is he going to keep doing things that hurt Ontarians?

  5. Walter says:

    Do you have numbers to back that up.

    Truth is, Canada is 15th worst in the World on COVID (measured in deaths per Million).
    USA is 7th worst.

    Canada is over twice as bad as Germany and 50X worse than Australia.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and right now, it’s starting to fade. That rumoured September election is on the skids now.

    • Douglas W says:

      An election call, immediately after Labour Day, a certainty.
      JT and his handlers know that, at some point, things will go south in a dramatic fashion.

      Better to call a vote, before that happens.

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        Three reasons why things have already begun to go south have been posted recently by Warren on this very website. IMHO, the Butts thing — once properly exploited by the sentient leadership candidates — will do incredible damage to the Liberals in minority communities, and justifiably so. (It would also be nice if Kenney helped things along with this.)

        So, start shaking in the PMO because once again, for the tenth time, you’ve done it to yourselves. Par for the course. Can’t wait for the election and the ever increasing chance of blowing away conventional wisdom. Harper thought he would win in 2015. Trudeau is sure he’ll win this time. Justin is in for the electoral shock of his life, just as Harper was.

        • Chris Sigvaldason says:

          I think there is a Liberal civil war brewing between the Trudeau PMO on one side and the Demarais/Chretien/Goldenberg/Group-of-19-letter-writers on the other. After the UN seat-loss, the China mess, and the less-and-less effective daily pronouncements from the Cottage/Palace front steps (now mercifully curtailed) any public polling advantage is moving swiftly away in the rear-view mirror. My guess is no election. Chrystia must be in full, albeit quiet, campaign mode by now.

  7. Robert White says:

    Very informative article outlining the government of Canada, and provincial health bureaucratic arse covering. It is of no surprise that the health bureaucracy is clusterfucked between jurisdictions. Systemic incompetence is baked into the cake for reasons of plausible deniability just in case of lawsuits.

    Great article from an ideological perspective. In terms of Science proper what we are getting is mere bureaucratese.


  8. Douglas W says:

    I hope you’re right: JT, going down.
    But I doubt it, because the Conservatives have no clue about running a War Room
    Quite often, the party with the most astute and cunning War Room, wins.

    The 2019 Conservative War Room was beyond hapless.
    This time around, will it be any different?

    • Chris Sigvaldason says:

      The CPC is at close to their lowest point. (unless Sloan wins on the twenty-seventh ballot, or they hire Ezra to run the War Room.)

      Advice for the Liberals: “Brains will only get you so far, and luck always runs out. (Harvey Keitel)”

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        Well, if this is the Liberals since India on so-called brains, I guess I don’t have the same definition of brains as they do.

        They’ve been nothing short of a sad, pathetic, fucking joke post India and now even their alleged sainted performance on COVID-19 is also slowly and deliberately wearing them down.

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