06.23.2020 08:42 PM

Thirty years!

1 Comment

  1. Chris Sigvaldason says:

    I wish Jean Chretien would fully and quietly retire, to enjoy his family and his enviable health. He deserves it after 40-ish years of public life.

    But his ongoing business interests in China are complicating and hamstringing the Trudeau Liberal’s already-sclerotic foreign policy (ie. Meng vs the Michaels). He and his accomplices’ (Eddie Goldenberg, John Manley, etc) seeming devotion to hostage-diplomacy to save their own financial interests is an infuriating betrayal of Canada. Time to go quietly back to the lake.

    The Trudeau foreign policy is a shambles that has been circling the drain for several years. A complete mess that satisfies no one. He (JT), and we Canadians, don’t need this extra mess.

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