, 08.16.2020 08:51 PM

KINSELLACAST 121: Mraz and Kinsella play the mix tapes of your life




  1. Martin says:

    In 1988, we went away for the week-end. I hadn’t yet installed a security system in the house. Came home Sunday night and it was pretty clear we had been robbed. A pretty big one. My wife stood in the kitchen very upset and I ran down to the basement past the spots where all the audio visual equipment had been stolen. All I cared about were the 120 90 minute mixed tapes I had been putting together from vinyl very carefully for almost 10 years. From my collection of about 1000 vinyl at the time. Gone. Still makes me sick to this day. I actually basically stopped listening to and buying music for years after it happened.

  2. Martin says:

    And, by the way, most of that music was from CFNY. Best station ever in the early eighties and David Marsden was the best dj. The fact they changed their format around 1988 didn’t help my listening habits. I started to listen to it around the same time as John Mraz because Q107 was fulfilling their Can con requirements by just playing Rush endlessly. Nothing wrong with them but not all day. CFNY didn’t care about the CRTC and would indeed battle them on a regular basis. They also turned me onto to Joy Division and New Order. No one else was playing them. This song from a Toronto band basically sums up the station. A great song by a group no one has heard of.


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