, 08.30.2020 07:06 PM

KINSELLACAST 123: Adler, Mraz and more on statues and stupidity


  1. Martin says:

    I see we are back handing out money today despite prorogation. Meanwhile JT’s BFFs at WE are sending out Law Dudes to respond to reasonable requests to provide the information they agreed to provide.

  2. joe long says:

    Destroying statues; nice deflection from the WE scandal.

    Has WE paid back the money?

  3. joe long says:

    And now Minister Chagger appears to have lied/misled/misspoke about WE?

    NDP MP Charlie Angus says Chagger should resign. Resign or the NDP will what?

    To the NDP, stop supporting Trudeau’s corruption.


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