, 01.08.2021 02:28 PM

My latest Sun hit: Trump’s change of heart is too late


  1. Steve T says:

    Four years of fueling hatred, lies, and division. Two months of bogus claims, attempting to thwart democracy, and frothing-up his minions into a frenzy.

    As you say, one short little conciliatory video does not erase that. Heck, I doubt he even wrote the thing.

    We will see how he acts, and what he does, after leaving office. That will be a true reflection of him. And it won’t surprise anyone.

  2. The Doctor says:

    The video was Teleprompter Trump (i.e., fake robotic Trump), as opposed to Rally Trump (i.e., the real Trump). He basically did the video to keep his cabinet from going 25th Amendment on him.

  3. Phil in London says:

    Trump is a cancer maybe more accurate a human coronavirus.
    Lock him up

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