03.15.2021 07:24 AM

Ontario vaccine portal is open!

The Ontario vaccine portal opened this morning and is pretty good. It has a little animated guy to tell you where you are in the lineup. Mine talks.


  1. Veronica Nancy Hares says:

    I have completed the form and submitted it but it keeps coming back as Form has been tampered with. How can I get around this and submit my form to make an appointment?

  2. Veronica Nancy Hares says:

    I filled if the form to book an appointment and each time it was returned with the comment this form has been tampered with. How do I get around this?

  3. Steve T says:

    Not sure I understand the math at the bottom. If there are 18,706 users in line ahead of you, why are you 28,899 in line?

  4. I didn’t think you should allow these false anti-vaccine comments on you site. The claim that boxer Marvin Halger died from the vaccine is unsupported by evidence.

  5. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    I don’t know about vaccines but I can think of one Prime Minister who must sorely want to jab the Keilbergers with at least tranquilizers!

  6. “Germany, Ireland, Italy, France suspend vax over health fears.”


    “Nurse collapseson video after vax.”

    Not caused by vaccine https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/12/23/fact-check-nurse-who-fainted-after-being-vaccinated-alive/4024424001/

    “Famed boxer dies from vax shot.”

    Not caused by vaccine. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-9360465/Anti-vaxxers-hijack-boxing-legend-Marvin-Haglers-death-aged-66.html

    “Canadian docs blast globalist covid agitprop.”

    Vaguely antisemitic conspiracy theory.

    “Vid evidence clearly shows politicos receiving vaxes from capped or empty needles.”

    False https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9829613785

  7. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    I’ll gladly take the Pfizer or Moderna but there’s no way in hell that I’m going near that other one.

    And I’ll even pay to get one of the others should that prove necessary.

    The prosecution rests.

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