, 05.08.2021 01:31 PM

KINSELLACAST 158: Lies, liars and censorship – with Adler and Lilley! Plus: SFH, Sex Pistols and Liars!


  1. Martin says:

    I just saw JT’s presser. “One dose summer”. I wonder what genius in the PMO office came up with that. Fighting covid with buzz phrases. Someone must have finally looked at the data and saw that we have only fully vaccinated 3.4 per cent of the population. That is ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH in the word. Easier to count from the bottom. Only 51 doing worse. Herd immunity remains the only personal plan that makes any sense.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      And what of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s piece of inconvenient truth coming out of BC? Something in there about a 21-28 grace period before the recommended second vaccine dose is administered…guess this PMO missed the memo or somehow “lost” it. Like I said, sink those bastards.

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