, 05.23.2021 11:35 AM

KINSELLACAST 160: Who speaks for Canada – with Adler, Lilley, Mraz! Plus tunes!


  1. With respect to Mr Mraz, I concur completely with his assessments. Noted political scientists have been pointing out for some time that there has been a serious decrease in governmental competence (on both sides of the border). Apparently we did not take the lessons we should have from SARS, and all levels of government were unable to formulate a coherent strategy for Covid. Apparently there is a serious shortage in medical facilities (such as intensive care units) to the extent that we are unable to offer appropriate care in a crisis (like a pandemic). So, medically speaking, we can barely our heads above water in normal times, but if there is a problem, we are in trouble. No leadership. I for one say we deserve better.

  2. Peter Williams says:

    No wonder Team Trudeau wants to censor the media. Then reports about illegal activities by cabinet ministers can be stopped.


  3. Nicola Timmerman7 MRD says:

    Still waiting for the media including yourself or Canadian Taxpayers Federation to push Trudeau to publish his vaccine contracts. This would really show his vaccine failure.

  4. Martin says:

    Is the most inept PM we have ever had intentionally trying to kill our economy or does he just not know any better:


  5. Nick M. says:

    The racism from Quebec with the likes of Bill 62 is horrible. It is sad that the CPC and the Liberals stay silent on the racist policies in Quebec, on the calculation it will hurt them electorally in the province.

    It is even sadder that the NDP, that has nothing to lose for speaking up on the racism in Quebec, and has a lot to gain in ROC by creating a wedge with LPC, chooses to stay silent.

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