Feature, Musings —05.18.2021 09:50 AM
—My latest: the AZ fiasco
I didn’t feel faint. I looked down.
“Your next dose is scheduled,” it said.
That’s what the official Ontario Ministry of Health sheet said. The nice woman at the Shopper’s Drug Mart on Lakeshore Drive in Toronto handed it to me, and told me to stick around for fifteen minutes in case I felt faint or something.
I stuck around. I looked at the sheet again.
I’d just gotten my first dose of what was described as “AstraZeneca Covid-19 Non-rep VV.” The sheet didn’t say when I’d be getting a second dose of vaccine. But it said I’d be getting my “next dose” of what the nice woman said was AstraZeneca.
That was back in March. Because I’m an old fart now, I was one of the first lucky enough to get AstraZeneca vaccine. After that, more than two million of my fellow citizens got AstraZeneca, too. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was one of them.
This week, Ontario and several provinces pulled the plug on giving Canadians a first or second dose of AstraZeneca. The stated reason is blood clots. You might, might – might – get them.
Never mind the fact that, in the United Kingdom – in Britain, Scotland and Northern Ireland, to be precise – Covid cases have dropped dramatically. Never mind the fact that, on one day this week, in fact, they had no Covid deaths whatsoever. And all they have given their people is AstraZeneca.
But never mind all that.
Here is Canada, millions got one dose of AstraZeneca, and were told they’d get a second dose of AstraZeneca.
Right now, they’re being told they won’t get it. Right now, they’re even being told they might get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Is it a good idea to mix vaccines? Will it be effective? Will it have nasty side-effects? We don’t know for sure.
What we do know, however, is a hoary old concept called “informed consent.” It’s been around for a while. It’s the law of the land, and has been long accepted as such by the Supreme Court of Canada, no less.
The Merriam-Webster people say informed consent is agreement “by a patient to participation in a medical experiment after achieving an understanding of what is involved.”
You don’t have to be a Supreme Court judge or an epidemiologist to understand the problem we’ve got, now. In this case, it’s more than two million Canadians agreeing to get the second AstraZeneca vaccine, and then being told they may not get it. Or that they may get something else entirely.
Did they consent to that? Did they consent to what the Government of Canada’s own Chief Science Officer called, in slightly different context, a “population-level experiment?”
Full disclosure: I’ve worked, for years, with some amazing lawyers on class action lawsuits. Those class actions mostly dealt with governments making bad decisions – decisions which adversely affected the health of citizens. We ultimately won those lawsuits.
You see where this is going, here. The Trudeau government has made a circus of the vaccine rollouts. They tried to get vaccines from China, where two of our citizens are being held contrary to international law. Then, they didn’t get enough vaccines. Then, they got vaccines too late. Then, they told us AstraZeneca was totally safe, and now they’re saying it might not be.
The result? Provincial governments are being forced to roll the dice with the health and well-being of Canadians. And “informed consent” – which is at the very centre of our entire healthcare system – is being shredded. More than two million Canadians gave consent for something to happen, and now it seems something else is happening.
Feeling faint yet?
You should be.
[Kinsella is former Chief of Staff to a federal Liberal Minister of Health.]
The Ontario Government & the Federal Government of Canada have misinformed the public from the outset of this man made deadly pandemic, and all of the messenger RNA bio-therapeutics are highly experimental which necessitated emergency powers of governance, but you’re right that they have not adhered to Informed Consent legislation in terms of actually giving people the informed consent that is required by law, and known well throughout all of Canadian medicine proper as well as experimental science in tertiary ed.
No Experimental Ethics Review Board throughout academia would allow this experimental testing to occur on any university campus in the land.
You are certain to have grounds for a Class Action lawsuit against both the provincial government & federal government respectively.
As a signatory & charter member of the 2014 Cambridge Working Group Call-to-Action on the Gain-of-Function manufacturing of deadly American man made pandemic pathogens I, for one, would never participate in any government testing that automatically placed private health information in the hands of the for profit corporate sector biopharmacology sector. Government is also pressuring people to sign up to tracking Apps that also neglect to adhere to Canada’s privacy laws, or protocols for experimental testing of Canada’s population which has rights guaranteed under the Charter of Rights & Freedoms as you know.
All I can see throughout since this deadly man made pandemic started are Charter Rights abuses via mishandling of governance at all levels.
Class-Action litigation is a must here, Professor Kinsella.
I can only speak of the AZ Quebec context: when we registered for our first dose online, we had to explicitly consent to an AZ dose. So far, no notice either by e-mail, text or phone that our August 2nd doses have been delayed or cancelled. But if that happens, sure, class-actions will be rolled out here, with authorization from a judge. I wouldn’t want to be the Quebec government if that happens.
The comment from C is mine. Now, how did I manage to do that? LOL. Old age, I suppose.
If Justin were a children’s mascot at a fast food chain…. He would just be himself exactly as he is now.
I wouldn’t dignify this as an experiment. That term implies some level of planning,controls, intentionality and review. Call it what it is…. Wild stabs in the dark.
question re. that stupid laptop photo…. does anyone even think its on?
Given that ‘one dose’ Trudeau uses an HP computer with a fake Apple logo, who knows what vaccine ole one dose has really procured.
sigh… wrong again Scott.
Updated 5 hours ago… Justin’s fake plan follows:
Seychelles, United Arab Emirates, Israel, San Marino, Bahrain, Chile, United Kingdom, Maldives, Malta, United States, Hungary, Mongolia, Qatar, Monaco, Uruguay, Bhutan, Serbia, Iceland and Singapore in doses per 100.
Justin’s fake plan follows:
Seychelles, Israel, San Marino, Chile, Bahrain, United States, Monaco, United Kingdom, Qatar, Malta, Hungary, Uruguay, Maldives, Serbia, Singapore, Mongolia, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Denmark, Lithuania, Barbados, Spain, Romania, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Estonia, France, Portugal, Turkey, Luxembourg, Morocco, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Sweden, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Cambodia, Albania, Russia, Panama, Latvia, Andorra, Bulgaria, Columbia, Montenegro, Grenada, Finland, El Salvador, Argentina, Kazakhstan for fully vaccinated.