Musings —05.25.2021 10:41 AM
—This is a massive scandal
Just unbelievable. Thread.
Thread 1/6
— Holly Doan (@hollyanndoan) May 25, 2021
Feds @PrivyCouncilCA conceal 992,000 records on pandemic mismanagement, Commons committee told. “Who in gov’t is responsible?” @DonDavies @Steve_B_Lucas @GovCanHealth @CanadianPM @PattyHajdu #cdnpoli
So far, 8,000 pages have revealed…
In the lingering death of democracy, and betrayal, this is why I should be King.
Dear Heavenly Father, please send us a Leader.
For all those naive millennials who accidentally fell for the Justin scam in 2015… In the future, when a politician says they will “do politics differently”… what that really means is that they will do politics badly because they are too lazy to learn how government actually works. And they think YOU are too stupid to know the difference. Consider this a teachable moment.
This won’t move any polls. Voters never had any reasonable expectation that anyone in this cabinet would behave responsibly.
This report is one of the reasons Team Trudeau wants to pass bill C-10. Then they can ensure that only ‘proper’ pro-Justin news is reported.
Maybe it’s like vaccine under 3% fully disclosed, by fall they will have 60% of the pages released (the blank back halves) and say they are committed to releasing more
This brings us to who is the lucky person who gets to be the NEXT Morneau? Will it be The Clerk as fall guy or some other government functionary?
Anyway, an election that will be much more interesting — at least for the opposition parties.
Nothing surprising here. Justin Trudeau sets out to enrich himself, his family, and his friends.
a). Justin buys eight boats at tax payers expense for use at Harrington Lake. Who is going to use them? The President of Mexico on a visit? Nope. They are for Justin and his kids.
b) Telford and Butts get caught with their hands in the cookie jar re moving expenses, and have to return many thousands.
c) Justin gets a free vacation on the Aga Khan’s private island. Shortly thereafter the Aga Khan gets what was it a $50 million donation to his charity. Justin’s actions in this affair found to be unethical.
d) The WE affair which provided hundreds of thousands in cash or benefits to Justin’s wife, mother, and brother. Later WE gets a sole source contract (no bidding) to administer a $900 million program, with $10s of millions in administration fees.
e) The Parliamentary Budget Officer cannot find any evidence of, what was it, $20 billion in infrastructure spending. Catherine McKenna repeatedly refuses to provide the requested information. Where’s the money?
f) Holly Doan’s reporting providing more evidence of Justin’s government rewarding friends.
g) Harrington Lake. Gets an $8.5 million upgrade. I’m told Justin’s mother and his children spend a lot of time there. $8.5 million? Must be quite the cottages. Work continues there, but Justin can’t finish clean drinking water on First Nations due to the pandemic.
This government exists to enrich Justin and his friends.
Tick tock, tick tock, …tick tock, tick tock, where’s Scot’s forceful and convincing rebuttal. Oh yeah, there isn’t one.
Like I’ve said so many times: kick those bastards to the curb and be quick about it.
Now remember Erin, make at least four contrasting versions of this ad as outlined so well above by Peter’s script and make sure that the visuals are incredibly striking so that they get the message across and speak for themselves without the need of audio. Then bullet and minimize the audio to a strict minimum and let the visuals wash across Canadian voters. In short, follow THE Kinsellaism.
Why the surprise? They’re Liberals aren’t they? It’s in the DNA. Justin’s voters, all his himbos & Bimbos should be hanging their heads in shame, but won’t.
@CBCNews @CTVNews @globalnews @CTV_PowerPlay @ctvqp @PnPCBC @TheWestBlock @RosieBarton @acoyne @RobertFife @davidakin @althiaraj @TorontoStar @ChantalHbert @ipoliticsca, @macleans @PostmediaNews @CanadianPress @LeDevoir @globeandmail @mtlgazette @OttawaCitizen
Have all massively failed us!
Finally I’ve long said that Holly Doan and is one of the few media outlets we can trust to tell us the truth.
I have officially changed my retirement plans. I’m going to hire a lobbyist to get me some government money that I will never have to deliver on contract wise.
Also so very pleased to hear they were planning on invoking the Emergency Powers act to allow us to be injected with what was presumably planned to be the Sinopharm vaccine.
Don’t much care if Liberal voters don’t want to vote for the Conservatives next election but it would be nice if they at least held their own party accountable for a change.
Erin O’Toole needs to do the media’s job and shine a light on Liberal corruption.