07.28.2021 08:16 AM

200,000 impressions and counting


  1. Steve T says:

    Exactly. I travelled extensively with my family when I was young (mid-1970s), and we all had the yellow World Health Organization vaccine booklet. You want to enter a certain country, you prove you’re vaccinated as required. No vaccine, no entry, period. It was literally a vaccine passport – the same thing that people seem so fussed about today.

  2. Phil in London says:

    100% in agreement. I’d have no issue with mandatory vaccinations for many public employers like health care and education for example -with reasonable exemptions. (Being an idiot should not qualify you for exemption).

    I can also understand that people should have the right to refuse the vaccination but that means they forfeit other rights so others are protected. (Including a requirement to disclose their choice and a daily rapid test done prior to your shift)

    The truth is here in Ontario we already have a vaccine passport. We are just too stupid to use it. Swiping your photo health card will surely show you have been vaccinated. I know when I could not locate one of the certificates for my son, we entered his health card on the Ontario Covid-19 on-line pages and got it.

    I have had two cancer surgeries during the pandemic and both seemed to go well notwithstanding delays and extra precautions. Should people living with the same conditions really have to worry that the health care workers who are in very close proximity to them have their shot? There was a requirement of both procedures for me to provide proof of a negative Covid test to protect them. I had a choice I could have kept my privacy intact all I would have had to do was choose to live with cancer.

  3. Walter says:

    The only difference is that COVID vaccine is approved for emergency use – while all the other vaccines people talk about have FULL FDA approval. That’s a pretty big difference – especially for the very young (<18) and women of child bearing age.
    I don't have those concerns, and have taken the vaccine, but I understand trepidation of those with low risk from COVID itself.

  4. Yet Another Calgarian says:

    No doubt confining the 50%-75% of First Nation adults under 50 who haven’t received a full set of vaccinations for COVID to their reservations would do wonders for Reconciliation here in Canada.

    Sounds like a well thought out idea sure to produce the expected results.

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