To answer that cogently is way above his pay grade. He’s quite naturally out of his depth on that one. We’re not talking Mulroney, Chrétien, Martin or Harper here.
Chrystia Freeland seems notably absent. Spike her mind one too many times? Getting too much media attention? I wonder if she may be headed for a similar fate to the former Liberals you mention if Trudeau is re-elected.
Carney needs a seemingly healthy Freeland contingent in the party for the leadership race. They know that if it looks like a de jure or even a de facto coronation, like himself’s race was, they are screwed in the next election. So they needs an appearance is deceptive straw-person for the next race who will lose by default but respectfully and thy name’s initials are CF. A good dutiful soldier who falls on her sword and then calls for unity under Carney’s leadership.
The Liberal team seems to be streaming its greatest hits from the 2000 campaign. I hope Warren rakes in the royalties as this could be the last time they are on the charts.
The Liberals have already played most of their greatest hits in week 1 of 5. The only two remaining are an endorsement from Obama and a shirtless Trudeau going for a run and posing for some selfies with underage girls. The second is within their control, the first likely depends on Trudeau’s current celebrity score. Obama kept Jay Z and Byonce on his invite list while cutting David Axelrod, so the odds are not great.
Don’t worry, Justin Trudeau has thanked the Gurkhas who guarded the Canadian Embassy and the Afghan interpreters for their contributions.
Trudeau explains his monetary policy: spend, spend, and spend.
Justin Trudeau is asked about monetary policy. He doesn’t think about it because uh, it’s just too uh boring and complicated
To answer that cogently is way above his pay grade. He’s quite naturally out of his depth on that one. We’re not talking Mulroney, Chrétien, Martin or Harper here.
At least he can spell it.
Math is hard
The new Liberal election slogan? “Fit in or fuck off”
Wonder what comment Judy Wilson-Raybould, Ms Philpott, and Ms Caesar-Chavannes would say.
Chrystia Freeland seems notably absent. Spike her mind one too many times? Getting too much media attention? I wonder if she may be headed for a similar fate to the former Liberals you mention if Trudeau is re-elected.
Carney needs a seemingly healthy Freeland contingent in the party for the leadership race. They know that if it looks like a de jure or even a de facto coronation, like himself’s race was, they are screwed in the next election. So they needs an appearance is deceptive straw-person for the next race who will lose by default but respectfully and thy name’s initials are CF. A good dutiful soldier who falls on her sword and then calls for unity under Carney’s leadership.
The Liberal team seems to be streaming its greatest hits from the 2000 campaign. I hope Warren rakes in the royalties as this could be the last time they are on the charts.
The Liberals have already played most of their greatest hits in week 1 of 5. The only two remaining are an endorsement from Obama and a shirtless Trudeau going for a run and posing for some selfies with underage girls. The second is within their control, the first likely depends on Trudeau’s current celebrity score. Obama kept Jay Z and Byonce on his invite list while cutting David Axelrod, so the odds are not great.
Rumor has it that Greta is on her way as well. Her team is leasing a sail boat at this moment.