10.23.2021 09:18 PM

Maxime Bernier: getting vaccinated is like getting raped


  1. Sean says:

    disgraceful / pathetic…

    on another note… The Tories missed a small communications opportunity. While they are dead wrong on Vaccines for MPs… Their takeaway line should have been: “Tories want all MPs in the House… Justin wants no MPs in the House at all because he refuses to start the session.”

  2. Bill Malcolm says:

    How would Bernier know?

    He’s never been knowlingly vaccinated in his life.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    What do these two words have in common with these three words? Maxime Bernier. Beans for brains.

  4. A new low? Probably not. I’m sure more is coming.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      That wind tunnel whirl we all hear are the good people of Beauce breathing a tremendous sigh of relief.

      Of course, that one still inexplicably thinks that he somehow is God’s gift to the world, not to mention politics.

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