, 12.31.2021 03:17 PM

2021 in review

I don’t like to talk about how the year has been for me – because so many people are having a tough time.

But for me, I can’t deny that it has been a truly great year. And I’m very grateful for that. Humbled by that.

In no particular order, here’s some reasons why:

• My family and friends are safe and healthy

• We beat Maxime Bernier in a major court decision – decisively

• I worked for Joe Biden – and he won (it was in all the papers)

• I got to write for a fun, scrappy paper, and have some amazing colleagues there

• Raised thousands for suicide prevention, my major cause

• Painted paintings and sold – lots of them, to my amazement

• Built an amazing cabin on 15 acres – we call it Crow’s Head and it’ll be open for rentals soon

• Daisy Group had the best year ever – and the best team ever. And we’re growing again – thanks to amazing clients and amazing colleagues

• Built a glass house at my PEC place – you have to see it to believe it

• Befriended some brilliant and beautiful people – but I think may be settling down a bit in 2022

• Did a Beetle refurb and it kicks ass

• Moved into a loft on Queen Street – and it is pretty cool

• Did the Kinsellacast, did Sparky and wrote more music

Anyway. I’m grateful for all of that, and more. A friend said to me that I’m living my best life, now, finally.

And I am. Happy 2022. It’ll be better!


  1. Phil in London says:

    One more – you kept a lot of us sane! Thanks!

  2. PJH says:

    Aside from the ongoing pandemic, and Betty White not making 100…..2021 was a pretty good year, personally as well. Wishing a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022, to you and all the WK fans out there.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    May I be as overly presumptuous as possible and thank you so much, on behalf of all Canadians, for supporting the cause of suicide prevention. There are simply no words to express how grateful so many of us feel.

    Happy 2022 to you and yours!

  4. Canada continues to be the best place in the world to live. Can’t think a place that I’d rather be. We’re not perfect, but compared to (insert country here), we’re doing okay.
    Thanks Warren for the site, and especially for those great podcasts with Mraz and Lilley.

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