01.30.2022 09:14 AM



  1. Sean says:

    I know folks who live in DT Ottawa and they were afraid to leave their home yesterday.

    Media have been assaulted on air.

    Sacred public spaces have been violated.

    The organizers didn’t apply to do this legally.

    This event doesn’t deserve the dignity of being elevated to a “protest” or a “convoy”. It is indeed a racist riot.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    Yeah, I’m all for it. Let the homeless and other desperate and disadvantaged people starve while moronic narcissists get fed. Foolish me, I thought pretty much all the classic narcissists were on the Hill. But I digress.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    Canada doesn’t deserve another long four years of Justin Trudeau. But for sure, ConvoyO’TooleTM has now inflicted tremendous damage to the CPC brand, which in my humble opinion is not reversible unless he’s dumped, sooner rather than later. Let’s wait and see what the ever compliant sheep do on Wednesday. Yes, they can do nothing and practically re-elect Trudeau-Liberals or 20% of them can finally find some balls (for once in their lives) and sign.

    Of course, ConvoyO’TooleTM is more than confident that they will remain the usual reliable patsies and if so, we don’t deserve to form government. Ain’t politics a gas!

  4. alison delicaet says:

    Great podcast. Now I am more depressed about our “Canada”. I have just finished listening to the “trucker press conference”. They are so in over their heads. They truly believe the alternative media will reach the masses. I would love to hear your comments on it. This will end terribly and the poor regular truckers and their supporters will be the ones holding the bag.

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