Musings —01.14.2022 09:13 PM
—Wellington, looking East
New one. The painting, not Joey. (The concussion has messed with my perception, a bit.)
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) January 14, 2022
Musings —01.14.2022 09:13 PM
—New one. The painting, not Joey. (The concussion has messed with my perception, a bit.)
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) January 14, 2022
Glad you’re back home. Art imitates life as the painting illustrates clearly a crossroad, when in fact its author has just experienced one. Kind of deep and no doubt signalling one hell of a fork in the road ahead and quite naturally, only for the better.
Yes, he was in NARROW WATERS, as indicated on the signs. Glad he’s ok.
Regarding the last post convo . Respectfully, I think I answered your queries already. But here goes my final thoughts to I’m sure the relief of the host
-public/private is being done already in many jurisdictions all slightly different, easily vetted, no need to reinvent the wheel. been done elsewhere, investigate. debate. Implement.
-Nobody wants our system except N Korea. That in its self speaks volumes
Why ? As previously indicated ,
Political cowardice, Ideological paternalistic decision making.
The Libs are doing to Canada what happened to Ontario during the Butts/ McGuinty/ Wynne era,
Now the Butts/ Telford/ Trudeau era Same M.O.
Have financially incompetent politicians, guided by invisible unelected advisors proceed to firehose money to targeted areas to buy votes, ignore fiscal responsibility, increase debt to record levels, have no plan to address it. Leave a financial shit storm for the next sucker to address.
The problem? The taxpayer is the sucker, they pay. Much easier to kick the can down the road. Somebody else’s problem. Nice governance.
Dalton McGuinty’s legacy should never be dragged down into the depths of any comparison with the likes of Justin Trudeau.
Nope, deserves the comparison, His “legacy” appointing the fiscally incompetent G Butts as advisor. Following his advice ? kiss of death.
Ont, largest sub national debt on the planet. Canada to dwarf that.
Two peas in a pod, and we are paying for it.
I see a sign indicating be very careful turning too far to the left…. and an empty chair in the middle… it is impossible to look at Warren’s art and not see politics.