Musings —03.30.2022 05:38 PM
Changed it again. My Mom can help me with clouds even over the phone.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 30, 2022
Musings —03.30.2022 05:38 PM
—Changed it again. My Mom can help me with clouds even over the phone.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 30, 2022
For the first time ever, I actually have a criticism about your art. First I think you are very talented and I’d buy some of your product, but I am poor. This painting represents to me a field I have been in many times and the sky and clouds are done really well. Your Mom has the gift! So here is my criticism, and its coming from an art neanderthal. In the foreground is a black object. I don’t know if it is a dog or a garbage bag. But if it is a garbage bag then I get the genius in it.
Sincerely and respectfully submitted.
Ha! It’s me, the garbage bag!
Well a great metaphor aint lost on me :).
Other than that, I see the quality of your work improving all the time.
And even an anti-vax nutbar can correctly identify those flowers.