, 03.06.2022 04:47 PM

KINSELLACAST 200! Lilley on Tory leadership, Agar on happiness – plus old blues and reggae!


  1. Warren,

    200 episodes. To throw back at you one of your own expressions: HOLY BATMAN! Congrats. Maybe the world will get lucky and you’ll give Putin a stroke.

  2. Pence tells GOP donors the party has “no room in this party for apologists for Putin,” drawing contrast with Trump


    Fuck Trump!

  3. Poilièvre and Byrne scared of Charest? I’m not for Charest but they sure as hell are scared shitless and it shows. But is Johnny a party member yet? LOL.

  4. First off, this party is not the PPC. So, the membership will be giving Charest a critical look, to say the very least. But a lot of them will want to follow the lead of Harper cabinet ministers, not MPs. Who will the Harper cabinet rally around, mostly? Highly doubt that person will be Charest.

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