Musings —03.09.2022 01:33 PM
—This tweet has been popular today
Watching Conservatives attack each other with more viciousness during a leadership race than they reserve for Liberals during elections tells you all you need to know about (a) why they keep losing (b) the fiction that they are a united political party. #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #ndp
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 9, 2022
Today I ran Jean Charest’s candidacy past various clients and let’s just say the reviews were mixed, to say the very least.
I think there is some subtle genius to Charest’s oddball campaign announcement video. Clever marketing is trending towards simplicity these days. People are fed up with gimmicks. There is emotional energy present in every form of communication. If it is absent / toned down on the part of the person speaking, it is sometimes more built up in the person receiving the information… Making them more inclined to act. Which is what leadership campaigns are all about.
On the other hand…. People who are already settled on a Candidate (as I am in this case) often believe everything the candidate does is genius.
It’s nice to be loved by so many Conservatives…
And then there’s this behind the pay wall:
Opinion: Jean Charest’s preposterous, elitist bid to lead Canada’s Conservatives
Charest’s response seems to be this:
This party needs a leader with a long track record. That person also has to be intimately familiar with every aspect of the party and its positions. That person has to have a proven record of dedicated service to the party and Conservative governments, post 2003.
Jean Charest says he’s a Conservative. Then let him produce his membership information for all to see. If he’s been discreetly all in since 2003, then great. If not, then stop pretending. He better not be a Johnny-Come-Lately nor another Erin O’Toole — who’s one thing while in the PCPC, another while premier and finally a third incarnation while running for the CPC leadership.
Jean Charest is a liberal in many people’s minds. He isn’t popular in western Canada. He just seems like an old, career politician who would be at home in the Liberal Party. I doubt he’ll win.
yep… nothing says “open tent” more than show me all your membership cards going back 19 years!
Johnny come lately… Really. Either the CPC is a genuine legacy Party of the PCPC or it isn’t. If it is not, then CPC is doomed just like the Reform.
You missed the point. If my membership was from five minutes ago, would you take me seriously as a leadership candidate? It’s all about genuine political credibility. Captain Canada is a side show in this race. In and of itself it won’t earn Charest the leadership.
What’s next? Bussing in InstantToriesTM from the Old Brewery Mission? Oh, right.
Look, I’m about as Red Tory as they come but I’m not comfortable with Charest and I’m far from alone.
I like to be consistent. I became inactive as a PLQ member for that very same reason during Charest’s tenure. Will I change my view now? Hardly.
Pierre Poilievre would make a fabulous Leader of the Opposition. In fact he would likely be so good at it that he would stay in that position for about 15-20 years and a lot of Tories would be quite OK with that.
True, a lot of CPC members don’t seem interested in actually doing what is necessary to win federal elections. They seem much more interested in doing stupid performative right wing crap (see trucker protests).
The Charest people live in a world of complete illusion. They remain convinced that somehow at least a plurality of the membership puts winning way above anything else. That’s not the party I know, apparently.
You won’t see me betting the farm on Charest pulling this off.
Nor me. I expect that Charest’s bid will be as successful as Hugh Segal’s bid back in the 90s — i.e., not.
Harper could be a total snake, but at least he had his eye on winning (at least most of the time). Most of the current caucus and membership seem to be politically tone deaf and spend too much time on right wing Facebook groups (which is what makes them politically tone deaf).
Latest example is those clowns wanting to do a trucker protest in Victoria. This is right on the heels of the mask mandate being ended in BC and during the possible outbreak of WW III. Parse that, if you will.
Quite simply, it boggles the mind that they’re obsessed with looking into an overly right-wing rear view mirror. This race calls for a leader who AT LEAST knows what The SouthernStrategy is and then how to pivot before the general. IMHO, most crucial of all is making your supporters understand before becoming leader that the pivot is mandatory, otherwise forget absolutely about a possible election win, period.
Talking Conservatives and fiction? Here’s a fact about Liberals.
After 70+ years of post-King liberalism — including the tenure of His Holiness Jean Chretien — Canada’s public debt stands at USD 1.97 T (approx. CAD 2.52 T)
There are 100,000,000,000 stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The next generation now owes twenty-five bucks for each one of those stars.
All true and important. But practically speaking, useless unless you have the CPC focused on doing what it takes to win federal elections — instead of focusing on stroking the G spots of far-right goobers.
“far-right” — Is that in the same category as “misogynist”, “unacceptable views” and “taking up space”?
Far right ~ leader of said protest who is affiliated with the Soldiers of Odin, a well known and avowed white supremacist organization.
Far right ~ leader of said protest who is on the watchlist of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.
My God, what a job it will be for me to fill out my ranked ballot…I will vote and will choose the lesser of five “evils”. I have no great enthusiasm for any of them but hey, got to choose three and then line then up I suppose. So, I’ll hear them out and then make a Hobson’s choice. The last thing I want to do is waste everyone’s time at HQ and spoil my ballot. I need to speak out with that ballot and so I shall.