, 04.18.2022 11:17 AM

CONSTITUTIONAL KINSELLACAST 206 Mraz, Kheiriddin, Belanger – plus great punk rock!


  1. Kevin MacLellan says:

    The Constitution had a chance for REAL reform but was a total failure. And, it happened again in the 80s. What a missed couple of opportunities. We had a chance to distribute Senate Seats so every area of the country could be represented in Governing this country. Yet, we did not. The result is that the HoC will always be dominated by the East as will the Senate. Why are Canadians so afraid of FAIRNESS in politics. We could have had a balanced Senate as a counter-balance to the HoC. We could have had all Senators elected with limited terms and defined election periods. We could have had an elected judiciary with defined terms and election periods. Alas, we have allowed the HoC to be an authoritarian chamber of abuse. There can never be effective opposition until we reform the Senate and Judiciary. In fact, we will continue along the path of disunity until Canada becomes history. We need serious change to unite this country and it cannot wait. The past reforms appeased the politicians but did nothing for the people.

  2. Queen of ENGLAND! God Almighty, you are Irish. LOL.

  3. The Charter is a gem spawned by a wretched excuse for a constitution. Meanwhile, Section 33 was the political price of the day. Trudeau knew he couldn’t get patriation without it, so he held his nose and swallowed it. Fast forward to today and I’ll bet ya that the current crop of premiers would never agree to get rid of it.

  4. The purpose of any credible political party is not to spread lies and other so-called minor falsehoods. When my party, or any other does that, they diminish the largesse of our support in the voting pool, period. The interim leadership, strangely enough, does not seem to know better.

    If Poilièvre goes down that road, his spectrum of the voting public will not be broad or diverse enough to win a general election, assuming that he wins, against the current relatively clueless prime minister.

  5. God will make Putin pay, in his own time and on his own terms. Ultimately, Putin will swing.

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