Trudeau is totally inept on his best day even after being PM since 2015. Normally, according to the polls, inflation and the state of the economy, the Trudeau Liberals should already be toast. But people dislike over a larger swatch of potential voters Poilièvre than HimselfTM. So if the Liberals go, as they likely will, the end result is more likely to be pretty much like Theresa May’s last election. In short, a lesser minority than the Liberals have now.
Xi is not insane and psychotic, at least not yet. So they won’t be invading Taiwan anytime soon. The other thing is the iron law of probabilities which means that a Taiwan incursion is easier thought of then ultimately done. What before a war room looks like a piece of cake will be anything but that in reality. Just ask the delusional sociopath who invaded Ukraine.
Trudeau is all about do what I say and definitely not what I do. And far more insulting is that he doesn’t give a shit what you or I think so he expects to serially get away with it and so far he’s been dead on. Unfortunately.
Lilley says that the longer the Liberals wait, the potentially stronger PP becomes. Not my view at all. It’s in Liberals’ interests to wait as long as possible and apply with great regularity LBJ’s Daisy ad and those of that sort. That would pulverize Poilièvre in relatively short order without risking an election. Like I said, PP is absolutely the wrong choice for CPC leader in so many ways.
How can the government ‘buy back’ something they never owned?
Given the incompetence of the Liberal government, can gun owners demand a back-ground check on the government and Liberal party before selling them their guns?
The above points were made by others, elsewhere, previously.
An election in November will provide Peterborough Riding with another opportunity to vote for 100 million more dollars to keep employing those hard working consultants who have been diligently studying whether or not to build a single train stop for 15 years.
Just love the Léger poll: almost half of CPC members are for Poilièvre while more Canadians want Charest as leader. I’m shocked, shocked, shocked to find this out. Not.
Ah, the pleasures of the membership going inevitably down Suicide Lane. Well, at least HimselfTM is happy.
Trudeau is totally inept on his best day even after being PM since 2015. Normally, according to the polls, inflation and the state of the economy, the Trudeau Liberals should already be toast. But people dislike over a larger swatch of potential voters Poilièvre than HimselfTM. So if the Liberals go, as they likely will, the end result is more likely to be pretty much like Theresa May’s last election. In short, a lesser minority than the Liberals have now.
Xi is not insane and psychotic, at least not yet. So they won’t be invading Taiwan anytime soon. The other thing is the iron law of probabilities which means that a Taiwan incursion is easier thought of then ultimately done. What before a war room looks like a piece of cake will be anything but that in reality. Just ask the delusional sociopath who invaded Ukraine.
Trudeau is all about do what I say and definitely not what I do. And far more insulting is that he doesn’t give a shit what you or I think so he expects to serially get away with it and so far he’s been dead on. Unfortunately.
Lilley says that the longer the Liberals wait, the potentially stronger PP becomes. Not my view at all. It’s in Liberals’ interests to wait as long as possible and apply with great regularity LBJ’s Daisy ad and those of that sort. That would pulverize Poilièvre in relatively short order without risking an election. Like I said, PP is absolutely the wrong choice for CPC leader in so many ways.
WRT to guns
How can the government ‘buy back’ something they never owned?
Given the incompetence of the Liberal government, can gun owners demand a back-ground check on the government and Liberal party before selling them their guns?
The above points were made by others, elsewhere, previously.
An election in November will provide Peterborough Riding with another opportunity to vote for 100 million more dollars to keep employing those hard working consultants who have been diligently studying whether or not to build a single train stop for 15 years.
Just love the Léger poll: almost half of CPC members are for Poilièvre while more Canadians want Charest as leader. I’m shocked, shocked, shocked to find this out. Not.
Ah, the pleasures of the membership going inevitably down Suicide Lane. Well, at least HimselfTM is happy.